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     Six years before anything bad had happened to our clans, we were all one big pack. Everything was peaceful and everyone seemed to get along very well. We were one. We hunted as one and we protected as one.
      When one Alpha's son died due to a tragic accident, the Alpha blames it on one of his own kind. Eventually, wolves started choosing sides. No one knew where to go. It was pure chaos. Everyone was fighting, claws out and teeth bared fighting. We each spread into seven clans.

Utes Clan: Located in the Ute forest, also known for their great height.

Ocean Clan: Really big fans of the sea, known for their great fishing abilities.

Star Clan: Known for their glittering personalities.

Sky Clan: Know best for their bird hunting skills.

Hunting Clan: well isn't it obvious... it's a hunting clan. Basically all they do it hunt.

Mysterious Clan: ..... no one knows much about them. They like to keep to themselves.

Murderous Clan: Don't get near them they will murder you.

Three years after that a boy named Josh was born. He was destined to become alpha, he was destined to bring the clans together. Ever since he was a pup he knew he had to lead and he'd promised himself he would remain a loyal alpha. That was until he'd found a lover within another clan... will Josh remain the rigorous leader he is? Or will he be forced to put up the throne forever?

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