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Peter was working on a new prototype for Mr. Stark when he heard a little voice say, "Yoink!" as he heard the quiet whirr of web-shooters.

Peter turned around and saw his little 7-year-old Annie holding the tool he needed while crouching on the ceiling. Annie had recently made her own little silver-colored web-shooters and had been using them all over the house to grab stuff, from a pillow across the room, to a banana for breakfast.

"Annie, I need that to make something important for Grandpa/Papa Tony. (Tony had insisted that Annie call him that, even though Peter still called him Tony to his face, and occasionally Mr. Stark here and there, but just in an effort to annoy him) Please give it back, I'll give you a cupcake Nana (Aunt May) made?" Peter pleaded, but with no result.

"No!" Annie exclaimed as she started running towards the family room, with a wide grin on her face.

Peter sighed and with a laugh quickly ran to the wall and onto the ceiling to follow after her.

"Hey! Come back here bug!" Peter yelled after Annie, as he was chasing her around the house.

"No!" Squealed Annie, as she ran across the ceiling in the family room, her hair waving behind her. Peter chased her all over, they ran on the wall up the stairs in the front hallway to the second floor, then back down again before running into the kitchen and Peter cornering her.

"Please Anniekins? We can make cookies together when I finish the project if you want?" Peter offered to her, taking a step closer.

"Nuh-uh," Annie said and quickly started to run in the direction of the family room, before turning around at the last second and going towards the hallway. Peter chased after her again, smiling, and was about to catch a squealing Annie when the front door opened and closed, just as they ran into the hallway.

MJ turned around from locking the door, to hear a "Mommy" come from a laughing Annie running towards her on the ceiling, with her father chasing behind her with his arms outstretched.

"Get down from there, Annie, and give your father his tool back," MJ said as she gave a little playful glare to Peter, then smiling as Annie ran to the wall and back onto the floor before jumping into her mother's arms. MJ gave her daughter a hug looking down at her smiling face with bright rosy red cheeks. Peter walked over to the two still upsidedown and gave MJ a quick peck on the lips before jumping down to the floor with ease, landing softly.

"Hey," he said once he stood up, with his big goofy grin plastered on his face.

"Hey, yourself," MJ said back.

"How are you? How was work today?" Peter asked, helping MJ with her coat as Annie ran off to the living room, probably to take out her bin of Legos.

"I'm doing well. Work was good. Pepper had me helping her with some things before I got pulled away to go to a meeting. Tony was asking about Annie, and Morgan offered to babysit again if we need it. How was your day? I see Annie is a little ball of energy," MJ pointed out as she and Peter walked down the hallway to the kitchen.

"My day was good. I was working on the prototype that Tony has me building, and this little spider," Peter said gesturing to Annie, "Decided it would be a good idea to take my tool using her web-shooters, and made me chase her all over the house." At hearing herself mentioned, Annie stood up excitedly and told her mom that "Daddy said he would make cookies with me!" MJ turned to Peter, raising an eyebrow, before turning back to Annie and saying in a mock-offended voice, "Really? He said he would make cookies with you, without me?"

"Well, I said she could make cookies with me if she gave the tool back after I finished working, but she said no," he said, with a playful 'humph' sound, crossing his arms with his chin pointing up. Annie went over to Peter and handed him the tool. She gave him her puppy dog eyes, and he smiled and picked her up on his back.

"I guess we will have to make those cookies now because Annie is just too cute! Come on, bug, let's go drop this off and come back and make cookies with mommy." Peter said, raising the hand holding the returned tool, and then looking to the side towards Annie's face next to his and giving her a quick kiss. MJ laughed at the two as they headed towards the room Peter had been working in, with Annie pretending to throw a lasso over her head while Peter galloped down the hallway.

They made cookies together afterward, making a big mess, and Annie overloading the sprinkles onto her cookies, getting them everywhere.

~ 𝔸𝕣𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕔𝕄𝕒𝕣𝕤𝕙𝕞𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕠𝕨

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