twenty eight

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The group had stayed at the bowling alley for an hour or two before finally deciding that it was time for them to go back to their own homes.

Haechan and Yunhee had gone with Jeno and Kyungmi to pick up their kids from Taeyong.

"Thank you for taking care of him. I hope he wasn't any trouble." Yunhee said as she picked up the sleepy toddler.

"It was really no problem. He was amazing and lemme also say, you have a really smart kid." Taeyong said and the parents smiled.

"He gets it from Haechan." Yunhee said while pointing to the boy who held a proud smile.

"He was also really good with Jaehyun and Doyoung. I swear they loved him. You should definitely bring him again sometime because I also really enjoyed taking care of him." Taeyong said and Yunhee nodded.

"I'll let you know when we need someone to take care of him again. Also, thank you for like the hundredth time." Yunhee told him and he shook his head.

"It was really no problem. It was nice meeting you guys and hopefully I see you guys again soon." Taeyong said and they nodded.

Kyungmi came out of the home with Sunhi in her arms and after that, they all bid goodbye to the older male.

"Kyungmi, your brother is so nice." Yunhee told the girl as Haechan buckled in a sleepy Kyungsan.

"Thank you. He was always a sweetheart to everyone around him. He's the best." Kyungmi said with a smile, reminiscing the moments of her childhood with her older brother.

The two girls talked for a fairly short time until their soulmates each told them it was time to go.

"Good luck, Yun." Kyungmi said and Yunhee smiled at the support and nickname.

"Thanks, Mi."

The two girls gave each other a small hug before returning to their own care, the night sky causing the street lights only illuminate their vehicles.

"What were y'all talking about?" Haechan asked as he fixed his mirrors before starting the car and grabbing her hand.

"Just random stuff." She lied, wanting more time to prepare her heart for what she was gonna do at home.

Haechan simply hummed at her answer and began driving. The roads were smooth and clear and the sky was dark, making the entire ride seem so.. relaxing.

Yunhee looked out the window, eyes glimmering with pure delight as she observed the scenes. Haechan gave a quick glance to her and a smile was immediately put on his lips. He adored the way she looked as she gazed upon the clear roads.

Not too long after, the couple arrived home and Haechan parked the car.

Yunhee was about to grab Kyungsan but Haechan stopped her.

"It's okay, I'll go take him to bed. You just relax and and get yourself in comfortable clothes. We can stay up and watch a movie." Haechan told her and she nodded.

She entered the home and left the door open for Haechan so he didn't have to worry about opening it himself while carrying their child.

Yunhee immediately grabbed a pair of shorts and a tank top and headed to the restroom to change.

Haechan entered the home not too long after and set Kyungsan down on the bed, creating a pillow barricade afterwards.

Haechan the grabbed some clothes for himself and entered the bathroom after Yunhee had gone out.

Yunhee quickly made her way down the stairs to wait for Haechan and along the way, she stopped by the kitchen to make popcorn for them.

Haechan then suddenly appeared out of nowhere and scared her by giving her a hug from behind, his head resting on her shoulder.

"Shit, you scared me." Yunhee said, making Haechan let out a tiny giggle before turning her around to face him.

"Sorry." Was all he muttered before placing a gentle kiss on her lips.

"Yunhee, there's something I have to tell you." Haechan said out of nowhere and Yunhee gulped, a slight thrill going off inside her.

"I actually have to tell you something too." Yunhee said which certainly surprised Haechan.

"What is it?" He asked, wanting to hear her response before telling her.

"I'll tell you in a minute. Go pick out a movie that we can watch. I'll bring the popcorn." Yunhee said and he pouted before nodding and placing another peck on her lips which certainly made her smile.

Haechan let go of her and picked out some random Disney movie that the both of them could watch all while preparing himself to finally say those words he's been waiting to say.

Haechan waited on the couch for Yunhee to finally enter the living room and sit next to him, placing the popcorn on their coffee table.

"Okay so before we start the movie, I really want to hear what you were gonna say." Haechan said with a slight plead in his eyes.

"I wanna hear what you were gonna say first." Yunhee said as she turned her body slightly, sitting on a way where she could see Haechan face to face.

"Please~ I want to hear whatever you wanna say first." Haechan said with puppy eyes and a pout and Yunhee really couldn't resist. She let out a soft sigh as she mentally prepared herself for the words she was gonna say.

Her eyes laid upon Haechan's face and she couldn't help but think of a way to help build her courage.

She cupped his face and connected their lips, softly moving them. It was gentle, not wanting to make a heated moment between the two.

It did however catch Haechan by surprise but he really wasn't complaining.

After a few seconds, she separated their lips and Haechan had a satisfied smile on his face.

"Not exactly words but it did feel goo-"

"I love you."

Haechan stated at the girl with wide eyes and Yunhee immediately began to think that she fucked up.

"I'm sor-"

"Say that to me again." Haechan said with a small smile staying on his lips as he cupped her face, bringing it closer to him.

"Say it again, please." He slightly breathed out against her lips and Yunhee gulped but did as he asked.

"I love you, Hyuck."

Haechan brushed his lips over hers before finally speaking up again.

"I love you too, Yun."

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────


A bright light and fog surrounded the entirety of the group, even the old soulmate fairies and in an instant, they disappeared from their original location.

In two other homes, four people that were peacefully continuing their nightly routine were suddenly interrupted by a bright light and fog.

"I think this means they finally said it." One told the other in one house and they nodded in return.

"Fucking finally." Another said in a different house and the other agreed.

"Took them long enough."

Those four people suddenly disappeared from their respected homes as well.

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