9 // I'm attached

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Luke.Hemmo - Hi-YA

Charlie1996 - hey luke

Luke.Hemmo - I'm so tired

Charlie1996 - So go to sleep

Luke.Hemmo - No I wanna talk to you

Charlie1996 - Aw

Luke.Hemmo - Now Tell me about you?

Charlie1996 - Okay

Luke.Hemmo - Have any siblings?

Charlie1996 - 1 Brother his name is alex

Luke.Hemmo - I have 2 brothers Jack and Ben

Luke.Hemmo - Parents

Charlie1996 - My mum travels a lot so its mostly just me and my brother.

Luke.Hemmo - Father?

Charlie1996 - I don't know

Luke.Hemmo - What do you mean?

Charlie1996 - I have never met him

Luke.Hemmo - I'm so sorry

Charlie1996 - Its okay, Im alright

Charlie has never tolled anyone about her dad but she trusted Luke, and she was shy around other people but really had grown attached to Luke, she was alway happy when she got a texted from Luke. Today at school everyone laughed in the halls for no reason but she is used to that. Luke had a secret but couldn't tell charlie because she would hate him and he didn't want that, Luke had grown attached to charlie but things got really complicated and didn't know by just kik'ing her he would feel like this.



It will get longer as the story line grows. Sorry it sucks. But it will get longer I promise. Ellie xx

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