S1 EP9 - Doomsday

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Alex, Gert, Karolina and James were standing looking at Chase getting consoled by people about his father.

Alex: All these people feeling sorry for him. Doesn't need a hug, what he needs is a punch in the face.

Gert: Another reason to miss Molly.

Karolina: His dad is in rough shape, wherever PRIDE has him.

Gert: His dad is just as bad as the rest of our parents.

Alex: And Chase destroyed the only chance we had to put 'em away.

Karolina: I'm not saying what he did was right...

Alex: Please do not try and defend him.

Gert: Even if you did hook up with him.

Karolina: Could you please not tell everyone that?

Gert: What, like Nico hasn't already told them?

Karolina: How would Nico know unless you told her?

Gert: Maybe James read your mind and told her.

James: I was just standing here peacefully you didn't have to drag me into this.

Gert: Why would it bother you if I did tell her?

Alex: Yeah, no worries, right now Nico isn't even talking to me.

Nico: He speaks the truth.

James: Jesus Christ, where are these secret ninja training sessions being held lately?

Chase starts walking over.

Alex: And, I'm leaving.

Karolina: Stay. Let's talk this through.

Alex: I've got a busted laptop that says we're past the point of polite conversation.

Chase: Wilder, I said I was sorry.

Alex: Are you sorry, Chase? Tell me, what does that change, exactly? Thanks to you, we don't know what our next move is, or if we even have one. We can't win, not anymore.

Karolina: My dad says he has a plan.

Nico: So, what are you suggesting? That we all break up? Again?

Gert: No. No, we can't disband the group. We never even gave ourselves a cool nickname.

Alex: How about the Runaways? For all the kids we couldn't save or avenge.

Karolina: Too dark.

James: Yeah, no that was insanely dark. Like, black lipstick and eyeshadow kind of dark. No offence, Nico.

Nico: No, I agree. That was too dark for even me.

Gert: Why don't we just go nickname-less?

The group all walks off. They walk to the entrance of the school. Eiffel was at a booth selling tickets.

Eiffel: Last chance to get your tickets before the dance tonight.

Alex looks at the tickets.

Eiffel: I'm sorry, this does not concern you.

The group walks past and up the steps.

Eiffel: Chase, I'm so sorry to hear about your dad. You know, sometimes a bad thing has to happen for something good to come of it. How about a free ticket? I'll even save you a dance.

Chase: Um, I'm not sure I'm going.

She looks back at Karolina

Eiffel: You want one? The water polo team will be there, in case you're looking to diversify.

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