Chapter 28

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Today was the day.

Well, monday is going to be the day but today is the party at the company and I was beyond nervous.

I always thought I would be excited and happy when this day finally came but I didn't feel anything even close. In fact, I felt like shit.

Harry hasn't spoken even one word to me after he found out I was going to be the new CEO and basically lied to him about who I was. Even though we weren't really in a relationship or even dating it still felt like a minor heart break.

I hated that we were on square one again and back to him hating me or whatever but I also know it was entirely my fault. I was selfish and ignorant for keeping this a secret for that long. The worst thing however, is that he didn't find out from me but rather from a stranger by accident.

As I arrived at my parents house to get ready I tried my best to pretend I was feeling fine and thankfully no one had noticed due to everyone being stressed and running around finishing up some thing until it was time to leave.

"There you are. Are you excited?" My mom asked as she dragged me to a chair so people could do my hair & make up.

"Yea." I lied, fiddling with the rings on my fingers.

She raised her eyebrow a little as if she was not convinced so I plastered a huge smile on my face, hoping to ease her mind at least for now.

I sighed in relief as she nodded and got ready herself.

After hair & make up I changed into the dress we had picked out and it was even more beautiful than I had remembered.

"Wow. You two look absolutely stunning." My dad complimented mom & I as he entered the room in a black suit.

"Thanks, dad." I smiled at him and grabbed my purse that was matching the dress.

"Are you ladies ready?" Dad asked and both my mom & I nodded before following him out the door to the cars.

I was riding separately from my parents so all the way to the company I felt extremely anxious and on the verge of throwing up.

As we arrived and got out of the car there was no going back now. Not that there even would've been a way out of this. Contracts were signed weeks ago and everything was ready and planned for this very day.

As my dad greeted some people before we were even inside the building I suddenly saw Wes standing by the door, waving at me.

I quickly walked over to him and embraced him.

"Thank god you're here." I whispered so no one else could hear.

"Well, not to burst your bubble but this was basically mandatory." Wes joked as we pulled away from each other.

"I'm gonna throw up." I panicked as I brushed strands of hair from my face.

"Hey hey hey, calm down. You'll be amazing. There is nothing to worry about. I'll be right here...well not here by the door obviously but inside and it'll all be fine. You got this."

"Thanks, Wes." I smiled lightly as suddenly my mom appeared beside me.

"It's time to go inside, honey. Who's your friend?" She asked and looked over at Wes.

"I'm Wes. We shared an office when she was here as an intern." Wes explained and shook her hand.

"He's my best friend." I added.

"Nice to meet you, Wes." My mom said politely.

"Are you coming?" I asked Wes as my mom was already following my dad inside.

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