Chapter 43

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"Wow, Miss Clarens you look absolutely stunning." Georgia said as she looked at the third outfit I had tried on for today's shoot.

"Thank you, Georgia." I smiled widely, checking myself out in the mirror.

I had three different outfits for the shoot. A light pink jumpsuit with a revealing back but not too revealing for it to be tacky or inappropriate.

A green/grey-ish colored flowy dress with elegant lace details.

And a grey suit which looked absolutely breathtaking and powerful.

We started of with the suit. I wore black, open heels with it and my hair was in a twisted bun with two strands out on either side of my face to make it look less clean but still professional.

When we arrived on the photography floor I was extremely disappointed to see Darren, setting up his camera and everything.

Harry had told me yesterday that he had no idea who would be doing the shoot but that he would try to be the one doing it. Apparently that didn't go so well.

"Miss Clarens." Darren greeted me but not without scanning me from head to toe, which made me a bit uncomfortable.

Last time he talked to me he seemed shy and embarrassed after almost asking me out when he still thought I was just an intern. However, he seemed much more confident and at ease now.

"Darren." I nodded my head and focused on Georgia who helped me get to the right position before the shoot started.

The whole time my mind was somewhere else and I occasionally looked around to see if Harry was at least in the room but that sadly wasn't the case.

I changed into my next outfit, the light pink jumpsuit, right before lunch.

"You look stunning." Darren gaped at me as I stood in front of his lense.

"Thanks." I mumbled and saw that Georgia was furrowing her eyebrows at Darren but didn't say anything as she walked around and helped changing up the set.

As he instructed people to change up the lighting too, he approached me.

"So, I've been meaning to ask you for a while now...would you like to go grab a coffee sometime?" Darren asked and let his eyes wander down to my cleavage every now and then.

Seriously, what happened to the Darren from a few weeks ago?

"No thanks." I answered, uncomfortably as I crossed my arms over my chest in order to get him to stop roaming my body with his eyes.

"You sure? I mean a coffee wouldn't hurt anyone right? After work maybe? You could also come over to my apartment if you don't want anyone to know." He kept insisting and suddenly placed both of his hands on my waist when no one was looking.

I was frozen in place as brushed his thumb over my hip bone a couple times while keeping me in place with a firm grip.

"I don't have time." I lied, finally taking a step backwards to get away from him.

"Tomorrow maybe?"

Before I could answer Georgia thankfully interrupted the situation and told us the set was ready.

After the second shoot I told everyone to continue with the third look after lunch. I definitely needed the break and I felt like I was starving the second I entered my office to see Wes already sitting at our table with food.

"There you are. I love the outfit." Wes complimented me as I sat down opposite from him.

"Thanks." Was all I said before taking a bite of one of the tacos.

"I love you for Taco Tuesday. It's the best thing after Pizza day if not better." Wes said with his mouth full, making me smile a little.

"Okay, what happened?" He asked, setting his taco down on his place and looking at me.

"Nothing?" I replied but it sounded much more like a question rather than an answer.

"Spill." He folded his hands and waited for me to tell him.

"It's just...Darren is kind of bothering me." I admitted as I twisted one of the rings on my finger.

"Bothering you how?" Wes asked, sitting up straight now.

"He keeps asking me to get a coffee with him and wouldn't take no for an answer. He's also kind of looking at me the wrong way and he- I think I'm going to just tell them to take the photos we already shot so I don't have to go down there again."

"What a fucking asshole. I swear I will-"

"Don't even get involved Wes. Just drop it. I'll call Georgia after lunch, letting her know that the shoot is wrapped. No worries." I interrupted him and continued eating.

Wes nodded but I could see in his eyes that he did not want to just let it slide.

After lunch I sat back to take a couple breaths after Wes left before making my way to the phone to call Georgia.

"Yes Miss Clarens?" She asked as she picked up the phone.

"I just wanted to let you know that the photoshoot is over. I have a lot of stuff to do and I think the pictures we've taken so far will suffice." I explained, keeping my voice calm and steady.

"Are you sure? The dress was going to be a real eye catcher." She said, trying to get me to finish the shoot.

I really wanted to be professional and mature enough to just ignore Darren and keep doing my job but no matter what, I felt so uncomfortable and small that my position in this company wasn't enough to get me to do it.

"I'm sure." I replied before hanging up the phone and leaning back in my chair.

I hated having a man hold this much power over me despite my position here. I hated letting him get to me. I hated not being able to just wear whatever I wanted without having someone look at me the wrong way. And I hated that people like him would get away with this.

Suddenly my phone rang and I was relieved to see that it was Wes.

"Yea?" I asked as I picked up the phone.

"Uhm, you should come to the photography floor. I think they're about to rip each other's heads off."


are you planning on seeing harry on tour ? i'm curious hehe

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