chapter 2 king satans army unleashed.

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Isaac: "well lets begin the torture, but first tell me Lucifer what do you fear more then death." Isaac; holy magic creation art holy water and 7 daggers of god. Isaac dipped each dagger in the holy water. Isaac: "this holy water is 200,000 times more deadlier then normal holy water, tell what i want to know you got 3 seconds." Lucifer: "go to hell." Isaac began to laugh. Isaac: "apparently I'm already there, james count down from 10."

James began to count.

Isaac: all seeing eyes of god. This allowed Isaac to see all.

Isaac: "so you have 14 hearts, this will make things fun." Isaac stabbed one of Lucifer heart, Isaac then twisted the blade and ripped it out. Isaac then poured holy water into the wound. Isaac: "tell me how it feels." Lucifer let out a screem. Isaac: "now now dont screem just yet you got 13 more to go and this time the blade will be on fire that burns hotter then hell it slef."

Lucifer: "no wait I'll talk" Isaac: "whats the time." James: "its 11 seconds." Isaac: "you'll pay for that." Isaac: flame control come to me purpul flames. Isaac poured holy water into burning oil he then drowned his blade in this mixture. Isaac stabbed Lucifers second heart. Lucifer: "no wait i said I'll talk." Isaac toched the blade with his flaming hand. Isaac: burn to nothing. James: "have you gone mad we needed information." Isaac: "dont worry i just always wanted to say thay line, i only burned his heart, now Lucifer you will tell me everything i want to know."

Lucifer: "what is it that you want to know." James: "tell us how we can defeat king satan." Lucifer: "i do not know." Isaac: mind inverstion. James: "what are doing." Isaac: "o I'm just useing an unique skill to look at his memorys and read his mind." James: "then why torture him if you could do that." Isaac: "because it was fun." James: "hes mad."

Isaac: "well then lets see then, you have king satan who is at the top, then you have the 4 arcdemons, after them its the 7 demon lords, no make that 6 now, and then 50 demon generals, no wait make that 49 now, and finally that just leaves the 8 million foot soilders, ye well its safe to say we're fucked."

James: "we seriously need to come up with a plan otherwise we will all go instinct." Isaac: "hold up the demons came over 600 years ago and you've lasted this long." James: "thats right but king satan only came into the piture yesterday, and now the demons are all under one banner."

Isaac killed the demon lord. Isaac: "lets go know then, we will need a army of our own, no matter how powerful one might be they can never beat overwhelming numbers." James: "hes right."

King satan stood up. King satan: "thats impossible one of my demon lord has been killed by a insect."

Arcdemon fate: "give us your orders." King satan: "you 4 shall remain here for now, as for you demon lords come back to me now."

The demon lords kneeled before satan. Demon lords: "what are your orders." Satan: "go and find out who killed Lucifer and bring me their head." The demon lords disappeared.

Satan: "come to me genrals, release your armys and give me dead bodies so i can create more undead soldiers." Satan's army marched into the streets of loxvil.

Isaac: "can you sense that, people are being killed in the 1000s, what a wonderful feeling truly i am in 'hell' am i right, no this is heaven." God: "thats right, soon you will learn how this is your hell and not your ideal heaven."

James: "we need to go and save them." Isaac: "ye your right but i don't care." God: "you will go and save these people, remember this isn't heaven." Isaac: "i see whats going on god, this life is my atonement, no wonder you said this will be my hell since i hate people."

James: "we need to go now." Isaac: "you know james i honestly feel like killing you your annoying, but your ok now." James: "well thank you i guess." James grabbed Isaac. James: greater teleportation.

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