family over everything

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gguk: hi V, just got back from work

V: hey gguk, it's 11:00 pm that's late! where do you work. 

gguk: I work as a dancer

V: oh that is so cool! 

gguk: hby what do you do?

V: I am a singer

gguk: really?! are you like famous?

V: no lmao, I just write songs for other people and
sing but nothing fancy

gguk: that is still cool either way

V: hehe

gguk: so how have you been?

V: I have been okay hby

gguk: I have been fine, just super tired.

V: you can go to sleep if you like 

gguk: no I wanna talk to you

taehyung felt his heart race a little at the comment.

V: okay let's talk :)

It was now 7:00 in the morning and taehyung spent the whole night talking to gguk, they got to know each other more and got to joke around more which taehyung loved. they both said goodbye about 2 hours ago as taehyung wanted to get some rest before practice today for the next concert.

he was already at the building walking in to see some of the dancers stretching, as soon as he walked in they all stood up and bowed.

mr han was already there waiting for him.

"you're late," mr han said

taehyung gave a small sorry before standing a bit away from him.

"okay so we have a concert in the next week, we will have a song for all the big group and we need a new person for the smaller group," mr han said as all the dancers started whispering and cheering.

everyone wanted to be a part of taehyung's small team, they got to spend more time with him as they had to teach him dances and last year's show taehyung did a duo dance with one of the dancers for the show.

It was hip-hop-themed, jungkook really hopes that he can get that place.

"you have today to work on a dance solo and then we will pick someone," mr han said

taehyung wanted to roll his eyes so badly, he was going to pick someone- this is his concert and he will pick someone.

"I will leave you to it" taehyung smiled and left the dance studio.

he had walked to his studio to start practicing some songs for the next album 

It was coming around to the afternoon and jungkook finally finished the dance routine for the place for taehyung's main backup dancer.

he was going to visit his family for dinner tonight instead of going home, jungkook lives by himself and doesn't mind it really. he can have friends over whenever he wants which he quite likes. he liked the feeling of having full independence.

but he does miss his family a lot he tries to visit them as much as he can, they don't live super far from his place which he is quite happy about.

he hopped in his car and drove off to his parent's place, his car is not the nicest but at least it works.

jungkook parked on the side of the road just by his parent's place, he always looked forward to seeing his family. 

he reached the door and walked in "I am home" jungkook shouts as he heard footsteps rushing down the stairs

"kook! did you get his number for me?" his sister asked

"rose, taehyung is 22 years old and you're 14 it won't work out" jungkook sighed

"oh come on you work with him, you get to see him in real life and you cant even get a picture of him?" jungkook rolled his eyes

"oh hi kook, how are you dear" his mother came from the kitchen pulling him into her arms

"I am good mum, dinner smells nice" jungkook smiled at her as she dragged him into the kitchen

"how do you feel about butter chicken tonight" she smirks

"you know its my favourite dish mama" jungkook smiled as he placed his bag on one of the chairs

"where is dad and eun?" jungkook asked

"he is waking eun up now" his mother said 

"I saw you dancing at taehyung's concert, you did so well" his mother said as rose walked in

"he failed again mum, he has not gotten my husbands autograph" rose pouted 

"rose, taehyung is probably super busy and jungkook has said they aren't allowed to talk to him" jungkook's mother said as rose huffed and walked off 

"just ignore her" jungkook nodded at the comment 

"I am quite worried about him" jungkook said causing his mother to look at him

"who taehyung?" she asks dishing up dinner

"yeah after the concert the other day when we walked backstage none of the team told him what an amazing job he did or even clapped they just ignored him and went home"

"I left but forgot my bag so I walked back to the room and opened the door to see him crying" jungkook said as he looked at his mother who had just finished dishing up dinner 

"It is super sad that you cant even talk to him, I heard he does not have many friends cause of his management," his mother said as jungkook nodded

"hey kook" he heard his dad say 

he looked up and smiled saying hey back and standing up to hold eun.

"hi eunnie," jungkook said to his little brother who was still a little sleepy

jungkook took him from his father's arms and sat back down, as soon as jungkook held eun he fell back asleep but on jungkook.

"how are you son" his father asked 

"I have been good dad, how are you" jungkook asked as he started eating

"I have been good, I saw your performance the other day it was amazing," his father said as jungkook chuckled

"thanks dad" jungkook said 

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