How they'd react to you holding their hand

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This includes whole class 1a and also Shinso

Aoyama - He'd be pretty chill about, at first he'd be surprised and start mumbling compliments in French but I think after the initial shock he'd calm down and just smile at you every now and then. He'd also try to make you laugh and he'd 100% offer you some fine ass French cheese.

Ashido - She'd be very excited, she would just look at you with the biggest smile on her face ever and would be like "hey kiri look look y/n is holding my hand ahhhhh".  She'd 100% start talking about your hands saying like how pretty/nice they are and how they feel.

Asui - Would say ribbit out of shock the minute you make contact, she'd look at you with a small smile then get back what to she was doing so she wouldn't embarrass you but every now and then would look back at you with a lil smile and blush.

Bakugo - He'd throw your hand off of him but only to clean the sweat of his hands incase he blows up so he doesn't hurt you. He'd hold your hand too tight to start with but loosen once you give him a squeeze meaning to like not panic. If someone mentioned it then well the moment is ruined because he's about to go do a lida and murder someone.

Hagakure - She'd scream that's it, no chill, no keeping secret, she'd just scream because she's so excited. Everyone would be like bro you good and she'd straight up start waving your arms around and start cheering like look look we're holding handsssss.

Lida - He'd be shocked at first and like whisper to you under his breath "are you sure you're okay with this darling people could see?".  He'd be worried about you getting embarrassed but once you reassure him he'd just act like normal to not cause a scene and possibly scare you.

Jiro - She'd start blushing straight up brighter than a tomato, looking at you then your connected hands really fast for a good few seconds. Then once kaminari noticed and started to make fun of you two she'd cool of and start telling him to go do one. She'd poke you with her earphone jack and say you looked pretty/handsome with a small smile.

Kaminari - His hands would start to spark up with tiny bits of electricity because he's so excited and happy this would make you laugh which would just make you laugh more. He'd def brag to the bakusquad like hey what's it like being as you can seeee *then starts waving your hands in their faces* I don't know what that is like.

Kirishima -  He'd either be worried about cutting your hands by accidentally activating his quirk but once he'd calm down he'd rub your thumb with his so its like calming or he'd be holding your hand first and never letting go.

Koda - The poor sweetie would probably break out into a cold sweat not knowing what to do and how to react, he'd just whisper to you like 'are you okay with this" "this is nice but if you don't think it is then we don't have to"

Midoriya - This boy would just start mumbling the step by step process into how holding hands then you'd give him a squeeze of reassurance to be like hey its alright. After that he'd like laugh nervously and rub the back of his neck then apologise and kiss your cheek and get back to what he was doing while doing the same thumb rub thingy kiri.

Ojiro - He'd be chill but also a bit panicky like he'd make sure you're okay with this then once you say yes. He'd be chill and get back to what he was doing but like 10 minutes later he'd tickle you with his tail to make you laugh.

Sato - He'd smile at you and offer some candy 100% hands no take backs he'd offer you the good shit too and once you take it he'd just like chuckle and have some himself.

Sero - This man would just look into your eyes and call you beautiful in Spanish (because latin hero supermeracy) he'd rub little hearts onto your hand and he'd ask every few minutes "how are you mi amour" just making sure you're okay and not uncomfortable.

Shoji - He'd be so nervous that he would do something wrong or possibly scare you that you'd have to tilt his head and say "its okay don't worry". He'd like halfway pull his mask off or just pull it forward and give you a smile. He'd then put your hand in his lap and draw doodles with his fingers on your hand. He'd also put his other arm around you to pull you closer.

Todoroki - He'd slightly flinch at first so you'd tell him you're not going to hurt him and he'd respond with "okay baby I trust you" with the most smallest but cutest smile and slight blush on his cheeks. He would also draw little shapes on your hand and he'd also check on you to see how you feeling.

Tokoyami - He'd be shocked but he'd also feel lowkey protective of you like he'd pull you closer to him and keep his eyes on everyone especially m!netta and like he'd pull your hand to his lips and kiss it and he'd just whisper in your ear asking if you're okay. 

Uraraka - She'd have to have her pinky not touching so you wouldn't float away but that's okay because she's just looking out for you like a good gf should. She'd 100% be blushing like mad as well and would be getting teased by Asui and Midoriya with Lida telling them its not nice to make fun of your classmates.

Yaoyorozu - She'd be blushing like mad and would repeatedly ask if it was okay and if you're okay. Once you said yes she'd slowly chill out but if anyone mentioned it then that progress is lost and she's back to freaking out again.

Shinso - He'd move towards you and brush your hair behind you ear and he'd just say in a low voice "I love you kitten/princess" just to see you blush bloody mental as he loves seeing you flustered he'd also kiss your hand.


Hellooooo first chapter done I hope you all enjoy this and let me know if you have any ideas anyways im going to sleep its like 2am uk time I have school legit tomorrow so uhh catch ya later :)

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