How they'd react to someone checking you out

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AN: I'm back after forever school has chilled out and its the weekend now so got plenty time, I've entered in art competition so I'll keep updates on how that goes anyways back to the reason why you're here.

Aoyama: He'd 100% just start talking to the person and be like "aren't they sparklingly magnificent"  and just snap back with something like "too bad their not yours" and just turn you two on your heels and walk off with the most confident stride ever.

Ashido: She'd just smirk at them and come up with something sassy a little like Aoyama but with a bit more bite "they're beautiful/handsome aren't they? well too bad they're miles out of your league. Would be embarrassing for them if you were their partner ay? good thing They're mine" she'd emphasise the mine as well then just wink and walk you toady laughing her head off

Asui: I think she'd get a lil jelly ya know like she wouldn't say anything but she'd put her arm and just glare at whoever is looking at you and wouldn't stop till they leave but would still be like all smiley and keeping a conversation with you

Bakugo: Oh boy this man would instantly get protective he'd legit stare the person down and just mouth at them the most creative insults ever while he has his arms around your waist and his head on top of yours, like he needs to keep you safe he wouldn't stop until the person left but even then he wouldn't let go, to warn others

Hagakure: She'd use her quirk to take the persons drink and spill it on them or like start moving their stuff she'd just mess with them creating a comedy show for anyone who was watching. She'd make whoever was checking you out do embarrassed they'd leave and boom problem solved.

Lida: He'd first ask if you're okay cuz like its not the nicest having someone check you out then he'd continue the conversation with you to keep you comfortable all while holding your hand but making it obvious so the person could see.

Jiro: Straight up would prob just be like fuck off in a nice way like "hey stop staring bozo" just instantly call them out no chill no beating around the bush just straight in for the kill. She wouldn't be suttle either she'd say it loud enough so people started to stare.

Kaminari: Would kiss you the minute he noticed he'd just pull you in by your waist and start kissing you one hand on your waist and the other tilting you chin up. Halfway through this mini makeup sketch he'd open his eyes and just wink at whoever is checking you out.

Kirishima: Instantly, grab you.Just grabs you and kisses you making full eye contact with this person the whole time not like a simple stare I mean a back off buddy kinda stare if you catch my drift. He wants this person to know you're his.

Koda: This sweetie would just wave at whoever is staring and just whisper yell "they're really pretty aren't they". He'd just be so sweet and caring he'd keep his eye on the guy and you all while holding your hand and drawing little shapes with his thumb

Midoriya: He'd be protective but not too protective like he'd pull you in by your waist and have his arm around you holding you close but he wouldn't be rude unless the person comes over and tries to make a move then he'd go "they're not single now kindly fuck off please oh and thank you" then just take you two away

Ojiro: He'd do this to keep you closer to him and safer incase the person wants to have a lil chat with you . He'd continue the convo like normal like Lida would I feel.

Sato: He'd chug down a kilogram of sugar and grow really big to scare whoever this extra (get it ;)) is. That's it that's all he'd do no more no less from sato the sugarman.

Sero: He wouldn't yell, he'd just whisper cute h=things in you ear in Spanish "Eres mi princesa" "te quiero" "mi rollo de canela" saying all these things while keeping contact with the person and his arms around your waist.

Shoji: Is wrapping all his arm around you so the person can't look at you anymore and he can keep you to himself

Todoroki: This man don't notice he'd too busy eating his soba you are his second concern his soba is first place. If he noticed someone was looking at you they'd get a death glare and his left side would slowly get colder and his right would get hotter.

Tokoyami: He's calling out dark shadow to go investigate this ragbag, once dark shadow is doing that he's just like my love are you okay if you are uncomfortable then please tell me and then I can help take out trash or we can walk away 

Uraraka: Floats you two away while laughing and in between she's like you okay because Uraraka is sweet and we shall not make her mean

Yaoyorozou: Makes a blanket to wrap you two in so the piece of shizzer can't see either you can't checkout their partner simple problem solved.

Shinso: Brainwashes the person to leave you alone or he takes you out on a candlelight dinner to make yourself better

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2021 ⏰

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