Dividing Streams

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Episode 1 - Moonlit Halls

     The hallways of the castle in the Kingdom of Oberon seemed endless, the silence deafening. The light from the setting sun shone through the windows and the glass murals, illuminating the hallway in a rainbow of colors. However, the shades of summer soon turned to the cool and sombering shades of the night. Shining high above Oberon, stars and cosmos sparkled and glimmered, shedding faint light upon the world below. Artemis stepped around the corner and into the throne room, the metal of her armor gently rattling. Her footsteps clinked on the cobblestone floor, and echoed off of the tall stone brick walls. Every little sound rang across the long room and made her presence be known. Her brother was decorating the throne room with lavender flowers as he has always done; he learnt it from their mother, and takes great pride in it.

     "Apollo," Artemis used her magic to adjust the placement of the flowers he just placed. "The palace looks beautiful tonight."

     The colt gave a smile. "Thank you. Have you completed your rounds for tonight?"

     The unicorn nodded, and removed her helmet. She held it close to her chest. "Yes... But, I fear as though something has changed. Shadows within the castle are moving-"

     "Not this again, Artemis." Apollo rarely cuts her off. "I know you miss mother and auntie, as do I, but you mustn't let your fears of youth get to you. We have responsibilities to handle..." Apollo took a deep breath of the lavender aroma and stepped back, looking at the flowers that sat so tenderly placed above all the windows. He felt a sense of joy and pride seeing all the flowers as their cooling scent slowly wafted across the walls and its banners.

     "I wasn't wrong about that parasite within the Dreamscape. Those shadows were true."

     "That changeling? She's hardly a threat, her messes can be fixed. It's just childsplay."

     Artemis let out a worried sigh. "I just worry, Apollo. It could always be more than a rogue changeling, we'll never know. You must not let your guard down, we need you. Equestria needs you... You're all I have left."

     "I could say the same to you." the young alicorn began cleaning up before turning to leave through the long, nearly empty hallway back to his room. "You have as much responsibility as I. Don't let your fears of the dark and your anxieties of the future hinder your strength." he smiled gently over his shoulder.

     Artemis nodded. "I understand... please, just promise you'll tread carefully tonight?"

     "Goodnight, Artemis." he said with a chuckle before entering the moonlit hallway. "I'll see you tomorrow." His voice echoed down the dark hallway back to her, and rang in her ears. She sighed; perhaps her fears were really nothing to pay mind to.

     The unicorn donned her helmet once more. She paced the halls of the castle, passing the occasional maid and worker cleaning up in the late hours. She knew their faces well, and greeted many with a nod before carrying on. Every banner and curtain, pillar and chandelier, every arched doorway and balcony around the castle took on a new personality in the low light. The moonlight crept around corners, the castle becoming eerie and almost frightening. But Artemis has never felt that fear, the darkness of the night is all she has ever known. It's her home, and she's always found refuge within it. Despite her negative experiences within the Dreamscape, and not inheriting any heirship to the magic of the moon, she's always found the waning sunlight comforting. The gentle moonlight, the twinkling of the stars, comets dancing across the sky... the beauty of the evening is taken for granted. Despite all this, she just couldn't shake the feeling of dread.

     As midnight approached, Artemis realized she too must soon retire to her bed. But the shifting shadows within the castle, the uneasy feeling that has overtaken her when she's alone... it has almost grown to be too much to bear. But she knows her brother is right; she can't allow these feelings to override her judgement. Soon, the unicorn finishes her rounds and returns to her room, leaving her fellow royal guards to protect the castle during the night. 'The grogginess of sleepless nights and early mornings is starting to get to me', she thinks.

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