Chapter 1: A Place to Hide?

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A shadowed figure made its way down a long road edged by trees.

Their leaves are already beginning to show signs of the coming fall.

The night was silent, the world lit only by the moon's glow.

The figure walked alone down the old road. On their back they carried a large backpack, bending slightly under its weight as they walked.

She gazed up at the moon, her gold eyes seeming to glow in its light.

She tucked back a wisp of dark brown hair that had escaped her messy braid.

Her face was young, but not so young that she could be mistaken for a child.

She was a runaway.

That could be seen by the many things strapped to her pack, chock-full of anything she'd ever need on a long journey.

She glanced up suddenly at a dull light coming from a bend in the road ahead.

This place was far from both houses and people, there shouldn't be anyone around for miles. Cautiously she made her way toward the source of the light.

What she found was a strange brick building.

The sign above it read Fazbear's Fright with unsettling images around it.

The building looked to be in disrepair, the weeds covering the ground outnumbered the few scraggly bits of grass.

Even a few bricks seemed to be missing from its walls.

It looked like no one had cleaned it in years. The lights suddenly flickered and went out.

"What an odd place," she thought with a shutter.

The building seemed barren, no sound reached her ears except the sounds of the night.

As hesitant as she was, her want of a safe place to rest drove away reservation.

Still a bit worried, she decided to circle around to a side door to check inside.

The lights were off, a deep layer of dust covered the shelves and everything on them.

With a sigh of relief, she stepped a little way into the trees to shield herself from view.

"Just in case." She thought as she undid the straps on her pack.

She pulled out a heavy blanket, and sat down with her back against a tree.

With eyelids heavy, the world around her soon faded away as she drifted off to sleep.

Her dreams were sweet for a time, but soon, a darkness seeped into them, muddying the once happy scenes.

Feeling her dreams darken, she tried to push it back, refusing to be plagued by another nightmare.

At her retort, a sharp pain shot through her skull. Her eyes snapped open, the fog in her mind barely lifting.

Through her cloudy vision, her eyes opened to a strange sight.

A creepy, broken cupcake floated a few inches off the ground. Its glowing yellow eyes stared up into her own. "Hello there." It said in a mechanical voice.

"It talks... There's a floating cupcake talking to me?" She thought in confusion, not sure if she was still dreaming.

"You look like you need a place to stay, why don't you come on inside and warm up?" It replied to her prolonged silence.

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