Chapter 6: Follow the Purple Thread

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The room faded as she returned to the world of dreams.

The scenes of memories long past disappeared as Leah walked into the darkness towards a distant glow.

She smiled when she found a purple thread that snaked into the darkness. Though a bit dim, it still glowed brightly.

"Seems like she's been dealing with these things for a while now. Hmm, might as well help shoo them off so we can actually get some sleep tonight." With a hand tracing the thread, Leah made her way through the void between dreams.

Soon, the darkness morphed into a stereotypical creepy room.

Ersa stood in its center, staring up at the towering figure of Springtrap.

Ersa seemed to be done with the whole situation, her face inches from his as she glared at him.

"You know, you've already tried this. Multiple times, in fact, and each time I get less scared and more annoyed."

Springtrap's body flickered to that of a large black bear.

It had two rows of sharp teeth, one made up its twisted smile, and the other formed a gaping mouth in its stomach.

"Well, if this doesn't work, we could always try something else, wouldn't that be fun." Nightmare said with a sinister chuckle.

Leah looked from the two to the shadows behind them.

"Two nightmares to try and torment one lady. They must really be starving for fear. Or maybe they fear her strength. She is doing quite well for herself, given the circumstances."

As Leah crept behind Nightmare, Nightmarionne decided to join in the conversation and try to swing it back in their favor.

Towering over her, the two failed to notice the young intruder in their game.

Ersa's irritated glare turned to one of confusion as she caught sight of Leah.

She tried to hold back a smile as Leah stuck her thumb at the two and rolled her eyes.

As the two yammered on, Leah held up her hands and started exaggeratedly acting out their tirade.

After a while, Nightmare paused and turned to see what Ersa was looking at.

The second he did, both nightmares were flung back by a blast of light.

He looked up at her, his red eyes flashed dangerously.

"You brat, how dare you interfere!" He shouted as the two nightmares circled around a ring of light that now formed around the girls.

In her hand, Leah held a burning star.

Lifting it above their heads, she set it to float a few feet above them.

As she let out a slow breath, Leah turned to Ersa, her glare changing to a soft smile.

"Hey Miss Ersa, I hope these creeps haven't been causing you too much trouble." She said as she gestured back at the nightmares.

"Kind of? How are you here? Are you a part of this dream, or are you real? Oh, this is making my head hurt. This is so weird." Ersa said as she put a hand to her head.

"Have you ever heard of the concept of shared dreams?" Leah asked.

"Yes, but there's no scientific proof that supports that-" Ersa began to say.

"Well that's my explanation and I'm sticking to it."

She said in a cheerful voice, brushing away any of Ersa's objections.

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