Conflict Resolution

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Even though the weekend had come, Cassandra felt she had no choice but to go to work. She needed to know how George felt, how things would be between them.

The waiting was eating her alive.

After pacing in the bedroom for a few minutes Cassandra marched down the hall and to the kitchen, finding Adrian sitting on a barstool reading the Sunday Gazette.

"I'm going shopping today then seeing some friends for drinks," She lied.

He looked up from the paper, face lighting up, "You're leaving today?"

She cleared her throat, "Yes if you don't mind."

"I don't mind at all. When are you coming back?" He inquired excitedly, surprising Cassandra.

"Um I don't know, depends on how drinks go..." which was secretly code for depends on how things go with George. "I might stay at Luna's place if the night gets out of depends."

"Well feel free to stay with her, I'm sure you'd both like that." He smiled at her, checking his pocket watch.

Cassandra knew they both were lying but she couldn't care, she actually hoped Adrian would see that woman.

She placed her uniform in her bag and headed out, waving goodbye to Adrian. Ever since they had both secretly moved on, they hadn't kissed or touched each other once.

 Cassandra was liking that woman more and more.


By the time she got to the store, it was full of people going each and every direction. She spotted Fred and made a beeline to him.

Thank god it's just Fred. She wasn't ready for the confrontation just yet.

"Um Cassandra... you know you don't work Sundays, right?" Fred pointed out, confused.

"Do you mind if I work this one?" She asked out of breath.

"By all means go ahead, we are busy anyways." She thanked him and hurried to the bathroom to change.

She saw the small door in sight, scurrying along just to hear the voice she had been ignoring. "Cassandra!"

Picking up pace she darted to the door, locking it shut. Why did I do that?  She face palmed, trying to calm down. By the time she changed and peeped out the door, she found the coast clear.

So much for being reasonable about this Cassandra. She started into the store, her hands slightly shaking.

Thankfully, an older woman had stopped her to ask her questions, Cassandra eagerly striking up conversation with her. She glanced behind the woman for a second, spotting an intense George staring her down. Her breath hitched but she tried to ignore him.

Growing impatient he walked up behind her telling the customer, "Excuse me, I need to speak with Mrs. Arcus." Without giving her a moment to respond, he grabbed her by the arm and pulled her into the office, slamming the door.

Cassandra was fidgeting uncomfortably, terrified with what George would say. She hated confrontation, and she had placed herself deep within it.

"So you're ignoring me now?" He quipped, his words were bitter.

She shook her head 'no'. George rolled his eyes and muttered "that's rubbish" under his breath in response.

He looked at her for a moment, his mouth agape, trying to muster the words. He closed his mouth and began to pace the room, rushing his veiny hands through his hair. Cassandra cursed herself for finding it attractive.

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