Chapter One

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Along the Eastern mountain range of a kingdom known as Silverton lies a town of roughly a hundred people. The town, aptly named Queen's Town (because the fifth queen of Silverton was from the village the town quickly outgrew), is often a welcome to travelers weary from their journeys to and from Hakana. This is Silverton's closest ally and nearest trade partner, known for the expansive port city of Silkhaven. But this is a town best explored another day, so we return to Queen's Town, which is happily governed by Alice Greene. This highly respected elder was elected to the mayoral position after her husband (and then current mayor), William, succumbed to a fever that is said to ravage the land every fifteen to twenty years. Luckily, with the current Mayor Greene's aid, the town has since prospered in the seven year aftermath of the fever.

Travelling into the town by way of Silverton's mountain trails one will be greeted by a cobblestone path, running through the center of town like a river. This stone river feeds into the pond of the town square, which had been built with similar stones many years ago. Important buildings, such as businesses, city hall, and the home of the mayor line the edge of the town square. A blacksmith's shop owned by Jacob Ferrier occupies a moderate portion of the left side of the square. Currently Fergus and Rowan Ferrier, Jacob's sons, are operating the shop and forge because Jacob is assisting the Royal Guard in Greencrest, the capital of Silverton. Directly across the square is the large bakery of Queen's Town. This lovely hub of activity is owned and operated by Sara Ferrier, Fergus's wife, and her younger sister Evelyn skies.

Not far from the Everloche Bakery sits a pavilion built of sturdy wooden beams and old stone. Town celebrations such as name-days, engagements, and weddings are hosted here; with most, if not all, of the town in attendance when the weather is right. Said townsfolks' warm and inviting homes lay scattered about the remaining cobblestone path, which leads on to an open field as the base of the forgotten Summer Keep. Many spring days are spent in this field in celebration of the kingdom's Gods and leaders, each trusted and loved by the people, and most importantly, never feared. The few people mentioned by name earlier don't take up residence in one of the cozy homes along the way to the fields, and instead live above where they work.

Rowan stays with his father when Jacob is home from his work in the capital, but during his time away the rooms above the stables and forge remain vacant. All except for Rowan and his friend Tobias, a newer member of the town who signed on to be the stable-hand for the shop after travelling over from Hakana. Similarly to the blacksmith's shop, three out of five rooms on the second floor of the bakery are reserved for its workers. The first and closest to the stairs belongs to Sara and Fergus, the room next to that is where Evelyn sleeps, and the very last room on the left side of the hallway belongs to a village girl named Gwenyth Hazelwood. And this room is where our story begins.


Soft morning light streams through the cream-colored curtains drawn in front of the window of the last room on the bakery's second floor. In the full-sized bed adjacent to the window lies a young woman of twenty with mocha-colored hair and hazel eyes that, as some might exaggerate, can change their color to match any outfit she's wearing. Some have even claimed that her eyes could be compared to the jewels that once decorated the attire of the beloved and mourned Queen Isabel and King Brayden Ashmoore. Elders of the village constantly whisper that Gwen's eyes remind them of the eyes that the late king had, but the group writes this off as hazel being rather common amongst those from Brookevale- the town that Gwen claims to have arrived from one harsh winter seven years ago.

Just as mornings typically begin for Gwen, she's woken by Fergus getting ready two rooms down from her own for a day in the forges. She sits up and stretches before flipping back the quilt that's keeping her safe from the reaches of the cool, early spring morning. She stands, quickly making her way to the small vanity in the corner of her room as she yawns. She sits down, her gaze shifting to the reflection of her hair in the looking-glass, thanking any listening beings when she sees that her hair isn't as tangled as typical. Because of this, she's quick to have it brushed out and pinned up in a braided bun- a favorite hairstyle when she's due to work downstairs in the bakery- before standing and walking over to her wardrobe.

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