Chapter Twenty-Nine

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We all gathered outside and the fire was started. There has never been a joining ceremony like this before but there is a first for everything. Vincent went on his speech about loyalty and honor while we stood in a circle. You would think that it was some kind of cult but in a twisted way but this is how we do it. He continued on before he walked to each and every single one and completed the blood ritual. That includes him biting his wrist and each of us taking it down. And then he had gotten to me. He stood in front of me. "I love you. I hope one day you will be my Luna. But I am happy we are here." He went to bite his wrist. But instead, I grabbed his clean wrist and took a bite for myself. And took down his blood and pulled back. He used his thumb to wipe the excess blood from my lip. And just like that, we were connected. It seems so taboo but I was able to mind-link him and everyone here. "Well isn't this sweet." Our heads turned to that voice. Clary was able to sneak up without us noticing. I wasn't ready but ready or not here we come. I found myself walking towards her in front of everyone else. "Isn't it funny how you will never have someone have your back willingly? You have to mind control everyone." Her face went from a smirk to seething. "You realize you damned everyone when all you had to do was come with me?" I was inches from her face now. "Yeah, well I won't be your pawn. I know all about you now. You know I had the honor to meet your mate. Such a nice guy, it's a shame you couldn't be with him." Her hand met my neck where she started to squeeze. "Get angry, Athena." I heard Vincent say. But I wasn't angry enough. She threw me to the ground but I stood right back up.

"You want a reaction. Believe me. I am the last one you want to piss off." She looked at me and she had this frightened look on her face. "Gold eyes." She put her hand up and suddenly her warriors came from the darkness and started attacking. "We will keep them from you. Just handle her." He told me. "Again, just little puppets." I threw my fist at her which she blocked before using her magic to disarm me. Her fist met my face a few times before I was able to block her enough to throw her off. I was angry now. I shifted into my wolf, something that she couldn't do. I stood there in front of her growling. "Don't get distracted, she is stronger than you. I will call you bitch if you need me to get you angry." I couldn't help but laugh but wrong timing. I circled around her trying to find a weak spot but she didn't have one. I tried not to focus on what was happening around but hearing everyone and the ripping and tearing were pretty distracting. My wolf wasn't really speaking lately but I needed her to get her shit together. I went for the attack and managed to knock her off her feet but she used her magic in order to throw me off again. I landed on my paws and went for another attack which again she threw me off. "You are just entertaining me now mutt." Her words were getting a reaction out of me but I had to stay focused. I was attacked from the side by a warrior. He landed his fist on my jaw, so I grabbed his hand with my mouth and bit through until I heard bones cracking. Xavier pulled him off me and I was back looking at the Goddess. I don't know how I was going to get her but it has to be done. I went in for another attack and knocked her down. She grabbed hold of my neck and threw me off again. I couldn't give up. I failed each time going for her. This wasn't a one-person job. The fights around and we are not winning. Most of the men were down. And I was surrounded by everyone. "Did you think that you had a chance at winning? I created these mutants. They're unstoppable." I was staring her down and there was no way but I wasn't going to submit. I was immune to that. I wasn't strong. "Finish her already." The warriors had shifted into these gigantic wolves. My fate would end here. But I will keep fighting until I flatlined.

They came charging at me before something had shoved them back. Clary was even shocked. I looked up and my eyes felt like they were deceiving me. Clary had turned around and she was frightened. "Oh Clary, long time no see." Vanessa was standing behind her. And next to her was Max. Clary's mate. She had an army behind her. "This isn't your battle Vanessa." Vanessa had walked closer. "My sons are here so yeah it is my business. You have taken advantage of your role and that doesn't sit well with me." Jack and Vincent came to my side as we watched it go down. "It is my job and it's my choice what I can and cannot do about it. You need to leave now!" Vanessa held out her hand and the Goddess began to choke. Before she released her to the ground. "I think you all should get out of here now, you don't want to be here when you see what happens. We got it from here." She said. But we were all still in place. But didn't want to push our luck. "Clary White, you are officially stripped from your title and position. You are sentenced to death!" Vanessa had screamed out. "You can't do that to me. Only my father has that power!" A flash blinded us and a man was at Vanessa's side. "Dad?!" The man walked over to Clary and you can see the disappointment in his eyes. He had every reason to feel that way and I felt for him. "You've dishonored our family. You are not suitable. I cannot protect you in the eyes of the Gods." Tears welled up in his eyes and you can tell it was the hardest choice he had to make.

He placed a hand on her shoulder and there was light coming from his arm. "I am human." She announced. "Luna, I think it's fair that we allow her to serve her lifetime as a human. She is old and will crumple within the months coming." I know he was trying to save her life but that is more suffering and even I don't think it's alright. "I think it's fair. Banished and never to return again." We should've left but why was I feeling like more should've been done. I don't think she deserves this. "Can I make a suggestion?" I stepped in. "Athena don't." Jack tried to stop me. Charles looked at me and nodded. "Clary never had a regular life and even though she put us through hell, she doesn't deserve to suffer as we did. Make her a wolf. Let her under my wing as a Zeta. The lowest of ranks. I've learned from my time as a slave that all I needed was someone to help. The worst people have their own issues. Charles, Luna. Will you grant this?" Charles and Vanessa both stared at me. He made his way over to me. "You are willing to show leniency to someone who hurt you, Athena?" I nodded in response. "Even the wicked deserve a second chance. And if she still is evil I will end her myself. Sometimes death isn't always the answer but forgiveness is." He looked back at Vanessa who nodded and then back to me. "There is something special about you. You show compassion to those who hurt you. You're selfless and I know your parents are proud of you." With everything that had happened, I never thought to think about it that my parents died because of me. My eyes started watering. All the pain and kept secrets were finally coming in emotion. "You're the type of woman who needs to be in charge of who belongs with who with no curse or no strings attached." He placed his hand on my shoulder and suddenly that empty feeling I had when the Goddess ripped out of me filled an empty void. The one who knew what she wanted and had the confidence to define all. "I am proud to call you the nonblood Moon Goddess officially. We will allow Clary to be a Zeta and she is your responsibility. Our Ancient Luna likes you and respects you and I thank you for saving my daughter when she deserves something more than dead." He stepped back and walked towards Vanessa and bowed his head. Before he flashed out. "If it's okay I'd like for my sons to come home now." Vanessa had asked. "Luna, with all due respect your sons have joined Vincent's pack. They wish to stay." She looked at me and then to her son's who was looking guilty. "Well okay then, but if you don't show up for big days I will castrate you all." She smiled before she and her pack walked off and vanished. I felt a huge weight lifted off my shoulders and I broke down. I fell to my knees and just cried. I couldn't stop crying and they were sad tears. No one came to my side which I was okay with but now I was in charge again of mates.

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