Chapter 3

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Sorry Its short. But at least its updated :)

Dedication is to R5RocksLover because she was the first person to message me when i was starting to go down hill.

Riker \o/

Chelsea passed out right after Sebastian gave her his name. I watched her sleep and kept the hot cloth on her ribs. I looked up at sebastian who couldn't take his eyes off of her. What the hell is he thinking? If I can't have her no one can. What am I saying? I have taz now. I mean sure she isn't Chelsea, but I cant keep using her to get over Chelsea. She is a really sweet girl. I need to decided what to do. I suddenly had a pain my head.

Jeff: You will stay with Taz until I tell you to leave her.

Riker: Why do I have to date her anyway?

Jeff: Its all part of the plan. You do as I say, unless you want Chelsea to die.

Riker: I can't beat her, it hurts to much.


I flinched and heard a moan from Chelsea. I looked down with a blank expression. I must have pressed down when I flinched. Sebastian grabbed the bowl and walked upstairs to grab more water. I followed him and closed the door behind us.

“I don't think you should beat her. At least not the badly. You could have broken a rib.” he said boiling some water.

“I can't help it dude. You know that. I do what he says or he kills her.”

“I know but if you broke her rib it could have punctured her lung. Be more careful.” he replied.

“I will.” I answered, as the kettle came to a boil.

Chelsea's POV

As Sebastian and Riker left the room I tiptoed over to the window. I made sure they were completely upstairs before I unlocked it. I moved the chair to the window and carefully made it out the window. I closed the window and walked away from the house. I don't know where I was going, but it wouldn't be very fast, my rib hurts. I decided to make my way to the hospital. I looked back to make sure they weren't following me. It was starting to get dark out. Maybe someone would drive by and recognize me. I kept walking, for what seemed like hours when a car pulled up beside me. The window rolled down just a little bit.

“Your that missing kid, Chelsea right?” the person asked

“Yes.” I replied. I guess the cops have been out looking for me.

“Where you headed kid?”

“The hospital.”

“I'll give you a ride.” he replied. I didn't trust him, I couldn't see his face, you think he would at least roll his window down all the way.

“Its okay. I am almost there. I can walk the rest of the way.” I hesitated as I started to walk again. I felt someone grab me from behind and cover my mouth with a cloth. I watched as Sebastian got out of the car and opened the back door. I. Was. So. Close. I thought as everything went black.

Riker's POV \o/

I threw Chelsea in the car and was about to get in when I noticed a car driving towards us. I looked closer and noticed it was a cop car. Well I am so caught I thought as the car stopped and Mr. Biggs got out.

“How are you this evening Riker?” he asked walking towards us.

“You know, this can be considered harassment.” I replied.

“I was just asking a question, your not under arrest, so relax. Your the kid from earlier today, the one who had blood on his shirt.” he stated turning to Sebastian. I wanted to shoot Sebastian a look but I didn't want to look suspicious.

“Yeah, can we help you Officer?” Sebastian asked.

“I got a call from someone stating they had seen someone who looked like Chelsea walking down this way. Have you boys seen her?”

“No. We are just coming from a friends house” I replied. We need to leave soon before Chelsea woke up. Mr. Biggs nodded and walked back towards his car.

“Well carry on. Oh and Riker, be more careful.”

“What?” I asked.

“You have blood on your shirt. It's a nice shirt. No need to ruin it.” he replied getting in his car and driving off. I looked at Sebastian and got in the back of the car. She was just waking up. I just smiled as Sebastian started the car. After tonight she won't run away again. Like I said. If I can't have her...No one can.

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