Just Business

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"I'm sorry that I wasn't able to meet you last week," Harriet laments, throwing herself in the chair in front of Daphne. "Things were crazy with the girls."

"It's alright, I couldn't stay long anyway. Alfie needed me at the bakery."

"Huh, all for the better then."

While biting a biscuit, Harriet frowned.

"What?" Daphne asked, looking at her friend.

Harried shrugged, "Nothing. You just seemed a bit distracted."

Daphne sighed, "Just tired."

"Jane has been worrying you out, huh?"

"Nah, not more than I would expect from any other bride."

It was true, indeed. She had been with Jane and her mother for long periods at once the past days. Daphne had expected it though, Knowing that arranging a big party was not as easy as people thought it was, especially with the little time they had in their hands.

"Mrs. Weston is talking praises of you everywhere she goes," Harriet smirked, raising a brow teasingly at her.

Rolling her eyes, Daphne said, "Don't start."

"What? A girl can hope, can't she?"

"Our time has passed, and I'm the one at fault for that," Daphne got up from the armchair and walked to the window.

"It doesn't mean you can try again," Harriet suggested, hopeful.

"It's not fair with him," Daphne said, glancing at Harriet who opened her mouth to talk, but never had the chance to because they both heard Alfie screaming from the other room.

They shared a glance, before heading to see what had happened. As Daphne opened the door, glass shattered on the wall next to her.

"What's with the sudden burst of rage?" she asked, unbothered by the display as she dodged the shards of glass on the floor.

"That fucking gypsy bastard, that's what happened, huh!" Alfie's finger threads to his hair, combing the strands out of his face.

Harriet looked at Daphne, who avoided her gaze.

"I should have listened to you, shouldn't I? You said to me that that fucking bastard was more ambitious than he looked, but no, I had to go and make a deal with the devil."

"Alfie, you're not making any sense," Daphne approached him, hands resting on the backrest of the chair in front of his desk. "What happened?"

He turned around to face her, throwing a paper at the desk in front of her, before plopping down onto his chair, letting out a deep breath.

"He scheduled an inspection on Friday night, probably knows that I can't be there and that you're the only other person that I would trust this with."


Daphne started, but he interrupted her.

"No," he raised a hand for her to stop, "No, I know what you'll say. It's only business, I know. But maybe I'm doing a shitty job at protecting you, am I not?"


This time it was Harriet who called his name, almost in a warning.

Alfie looked at her, and then at Daphne, and sighed.

"You better prepare yourself, I'll try to find a goy to accompany you there, not much I can do on Shabbat."

"Alfie," Daphne called him, more firmly this time, making him look at her. "It's alright, I doubt that he is going to try anything. I'm friends with his sister, we will be in our territory, don't overthink it. It's just business."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2021 ⏰

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