She smirked, wrapping her arm around her favorite villain, "You know... Tokyo's been getting a huge down surge in crime lately. What if we, some of the best villains in this decrepit city, teamed up and caused some chaos?"
He turned towards Mirror, a slight smile forming on his face. "What do you have in mind?", he asked.
She cackled, "Just wait and see, my partner in crime."
Myo stared at his sister, who was staring at the television screen as if her life depended on it. Magma had recently introduced the siblings to the wonderful invention of modern television. Mya had immediately gotten hooked in, specifically on this one show called 'The Whimsical Life of The Quirkless Boy', which basically told the story of some quirkless boy who got wrapped up in a ton of pro hero shenanigans. It had gotten to the point that people just believed he had a luck quirk, seeing as he was very accident prone but never actually got hurt. The boy was often found in the middle of villain fights, yet survived with little to no damage. He even began getting targeted by villains, purely because he had mild relations with a few heroes. Myo found it a bit ridiculous, the boy obviously had a luck quirk (or it was just because he was a fictional character that could be influenced by the whims of the writer). Myo, on the other hand, had found it much too enjoyable for it to be healthy. "OH MY GOSH!", she would exclaim whenever the boy got kidnapped by a villain (and he did. A lot). It was getting extremely boring in the stoic boy's mind. It was repetitive, nothing ever changed, and the boy had no personality. Not even a quirk in his personality.
Naturally, after enduring hours of this dull show, he switched it to the news to anger his sister. But what surprised him, was that there was a villain attack happening in Tokyo right there and now. "Oh.", he whispered.
"Hm?", his sister leaned closer to the TV, 'The #4 & 6 Villains of Tokyo Attacking the Townhall', the banner read. "The 4th and 6th villains... That's Mirror and Magma!", she exclaimed.
"Are they? Hm.", the boy shrugged it off.
She murmured a bunch of odd comments under her breath, a usual thing. "I didn't know Magma was one for such obvious villainy! I thought he was like some odd information dealing dude.", the girl commented.
"Yeah.", he tilted his head, "He's a bit... nice for such a high ranking villain."
Mya hummed, "Yeah, but these are only the Tokyo rankings. In the Japan rankings he's only 17th."
He nodded, leaning back into the couch. "Who's Mirror?", he asked.
The girl grinned, her eyes sparkling, "Mirror Image! Also known as the Illusionist. If she makes physical contact with you even once, she can make you hallucinate anything you want, even things she doesn't actually know! Like, she can make you see your worst fears 'n stuff. If she has prolonged contact, her illusions can grow and she can make you feel false pain, hear sounds, and more! She's known for using an altered version of a capture weapon, her own creation, as well as throwing knives. She has a very distinct distaste for guns, she thinks they're too loud, and even runs a group of small Tokyo villains!", she waved her hands around in various ways as she was explaining, her eyes seeming to glitter with admiration.
"How the heck do you know all of this?", he asked, his tired stare not disturbing Mya's glee whatsoever.
"Oh! Oftentimes, whenever an attack of hers is being broadcasted, she'll answer questions asked by the cameraman as long as there's no police. Also, she edits her own wiki page. The picture of her changes every so often, by her own hands, and sometimes it corresponds with various international holidays! It's really cool.". Her hands were up in the air at this point, waving every which way. She stared at her brother for a moment before explaining, "I stole papa's computer from time to time, thus I got access to the internet.", she grinned evilly, "I ended up discovering her one day."
Myo nodded, yawning, then flopping on the armrest of the couch. "Interesting. When do you think Magma will be back?"
She shrugged, "Depends how long this big strike of villainy is gonna last. I mean, he'll get tired at some point, so it'll be at most by 6 am tomorrow."
The white haired boy grumbled something unintelligible. "You're spending wayyyy too much of your energy observing the dude. I mean, come on, how do you know his stamina?"
She grinned, "Physical contact, I felt his energy! On a good day, based on how much he uses on an average night of villainy, he'll run out of energy completely in eight hours! Of course, this is no average day, and he was a bit tired this morning, so I'd bet he's going to come home in about four or six.". She flopped on her brother's lap, still grinning as he began to stroke her hair.
The pair were long asleep by the time Magma entered his tidy apartment, his tired brain barely even registering their existence on the couch as he made his way to his bedroom. He didn't have enough energy to even think of having a shower to wash away all of the dirt, blood, and sweat that decorated his entire body.
He plopped on the bed, his squeaky bed frame vaguely waking him up a bit more, giving him the consciousness to remove his costume. He sighed as his head hit the soft pillow he had spent a bit too much money on, thanking his past self for the irresponsible purchase.
His dreams were full of lava, illusions, two white haired children, and volcanoes. He couldn't fully decipher whether or not it was a nightmare or not, him barely remembering dreaming by the time his feet hit the hardwood. He groaned as he made his way to the kitchen, pulling over various cupboards as he searched for the things needed for a nice warm cup of tea.
After drinking a few sips of his tea, his brain finally registered the two foreign bodies resting on his couch. As he observed further, he realized Myo was awake, but he was under his sibling and couldn't move.
He chuckled, "You stuck?", he asked.
The boy nodded, taking on his usual stoic face. "...I saw...", he began quietly, "Y-You on... the news last night.", he finished, their voice shaky.
"Oh.", his orange eyebrows raised, "What'd you think?", the ginger man grinned awkwardly.
"...Y-Your quirk is... is pretty cool.", his face flushed as he realized they were talking too much, bringing his hands up to hide his red cheeks.
Magma grinned, his eyes widening slightly. He definitely wasn't expecting a compliment on his odd quirk. "Thanks, kid."
His quirk was called 'Molten Hands', it was a transformation quirk. He could generate magma out of his hands that wrapped around his fists, bulking them up and making him extremely strong. If he focused enough, he could also turn things he was touching to magma, but it takes too much energy for it to be worth it in a 1 on 1 fight. When he used it, his hair lit on fire and his eyes glowed orange, making him seem like a certain #2 hero.
He yawned, walking over and handing the white haired boy a cup of tea. "Apparently my tired brain somehow registered the presence of guests.", he explained.
The boy stared at the warm mug in his hands, his face flushing as tears rushed to his eyes. "I— Momma said tea was reserved for good kids only."
Magma's eyes widened, "Really?", he asked.
The boy nodded, his face flushing as they realized they spoke without meaning to. He placed a hand to his throat, coughing a few times and taking a sip of tea. Myo yawned, taking another sip of the herbal beverage. "I-It.. It's good.", he smiled.
It was rare to see the boy make any other facial expression other than, 'I might be contemplating your murder at this very moment', so seeing the corners of his lips curve up felt like winning the lottery, even to Magma who had only known the boy for less than two weeks. "Hey.", he spoke up. "How do you feel about training?"
A/N: Goin' strong. Actually, this is Chapter 3. Whoops! I forgot about the prolog. :P Anyways, my cat is trying to sit in front of my keyboard as I'm typing this so I'll end it here. :]
FanfictionA BNHA Fanfiction - Mya & Myo are twins with powerful quirks who end up getting wrapped up in the villainy of two Tokyo villains. Watch as they discover the limits of themselves, their quirks, and realize what it means to be a villain or a hero. - ...