Trying Something New!

801 33 22

Cw for cannibalism! Don't read this chapter if you don't like that kind of stuff!
     By the time they had gotten home, Skid and Pump had fallen asleep. Lemon Demon picked them up and quietly placed them in their beds while Senpai put away the stuff they had bought. Wow, am I really going to cook a person with this guy? Do I like him that much?? Senpai asked himself, and the answer he instantly thought of was yup, I really like him that much!

     As soon as Senpai had put away everything Lemon Demon was right behind him. "Alright are you ready!" he quietly shouted, and Senpai jumped. "Holy shit you scared me!" He exclaimed as Lemon Demon grabbed a cookbook. "Sorry, I just get really excited when it comes to showing people my hobbies! And my family traditions!" "Tradition..?" Senpai asked, to which they responded with "Yep! My family does this thing where once you become a certain age, you eat human meat! And then from there you decide whether or not you want to keep doing it or not. If multiple 'children' decide they want to keep doing it, then they'll have a cookoff to see who gets this cookbook!" He explained as he flipped through the book. "However, if only one kid decides they want to continue, then they get to keep the book!" he said as he finally stopped flipping through the book. "What happens if none of them want to continue?"

"Ah, well- Did you put away all of the stuff we bought?"

"Yeah, I didn't know which ones we needed so I just put them all away."

"We need all of them, I only bought the ones we needed..."

Oops, Senpai thought to himself before Lemon Demon said, "It's alright, but can you take them all out for me?" "Sure!" "Right, as I was saying, we've never had that happen! We might soon though..." Senpai had finally grabbed everything they had bought out. "How come?"

"Well it's just that the kids don't like meat too much... They'll eat some meat like hamburgers but I'm scared they aren't going to like human meat..."

"Oh... Well if that's the case I can always take the book!"

"You'd really do that?"

"Yeah! I mean, if I like human meat I would!"

"Thanks, you're a really good friend!"

It took Senpai a moment to realise that meant HE would have to try to eat another person. Oh god what have I done? He thought as Lemon Demon had pulled out the meat from the fridge. "Typically you'd have to remove the hair and fingernails and... All of that, but I already did that!" Oh thank god, Senpai sighed in relief as he watched Lemon Demon do his thing.

     Senpai didn't really help all that much aside from passing ingredients and occasionally reading the directions out loud. The end result looked... Extremely fancy for a slab of human flesh. "Typically I make soups and stews but I wanted to do something special since this is your first time around these kinds of things!" "Well, you could've done something simple if you really wanted to!" "No no, that'd be rude of me!" Senpai was glad he did something complex because it didn't look human at all. He stood there as Lemon Demon set the table and served two plates. "You can sit you know..." Oh crap I have to eat this oh god oh fuck! Senpai internally screamed at himself as he sat down.

     He could feel his face going pale as he stared at the food, and he looked up to see Lemon Demon staring directly at him.

"You... Alright? Your face is... Really pale looking."

"No, no, I'm fine!" He said as he started to shiver.

"You don't have to eat it if you don't want to..."

"NO NO! I'M GONNA! Sorry... Just, give me a moment!" Senpai exclaimed as he picked up his fork.

     Fuck it, I'm just gonna eat it! He closed his eyes, put a piece of meat on his fork and into his mouth, and to his surprise it tasted like... Normal meat? "...Well?" "It's... Really good! You're an amazing chef you know that?" "Thanks..! I'm glad you like it." He smiled, blushing a little. The rest of the night was spent with them eating and talking about food in general.

     Senpai yawned, he was exhausted and it was late, thank god he didn't have school tomorrow. "Welp I'm off to bed, good night Lemon!" "Good night, and thanks again for trying out my cooking! I could tell you didn't want to but you did anyway, and that really makes me happy!" The two smiled at each other before heading to their respective rooms for the night, feeling tired yet satisfied with how that night had went.

Unexpected feelings (Lemonpai/Lemon Demon x Senpai fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now