Andley One Shots

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DISCLAIMER: I have uploaded this on and deviantART as well. I own the story completely, I just don't own the characters. God, I wish I did....


"Thank you New York! We are Black Veil Brides!" Andy yelled into the microphone.

I couldn't help but stare at Andy throughout the show. Why? Because I have a crush on my best friend. Yes I Ashley Purdy, supposed to be straighter than a fucking ruler, has a crush on a guy. Andrew Biersack in fact. I've had feelings for Andy for a while but no one knows, I hope...

"Ashey? Earth to Ashley Purdy!" Andy giggled, drawing me out of my thoughts.

He gave me the nickname Ashey when I gave him the nickname Blue Eyes a while back.

"Oh sorry, I was just thinking."

"Thinkin' about what?" Andy scooched closer. He made my face turn an embarrassing shade of red, my heart beat faster, and my palms sweaty. He knew one boy could do all of that?

"Uh, t-things." I stammered. 'Oh that was smoooooth' I thought sarcastically to myself.

And with that, I got up and went to lay in my bunk. My bunk is directly under Andys, and we always talk at night, pissing off the other members of the band.

"Hey red face!" CC practically yelled, making me jump a little.

"Oh, hey C! Thanks for scaring the shit out of me." I laughed. He pulled me and turned me around.

"Nope, no shit there. Why is your face red?"

"Uh, well I really like this one person. But, they'll find it really weird..."

"Dude, who is it?!" CC yelled.

"Who's who?" Andy asked, making my face turn an ever deeper shade of red.

"Oh no one Andy." CC said.

"Um, okay?" Andy said quizzically, and went into the bathroom to shower.

"Dude, you're so crushing on Andy!"

"C! Can you yell it any louder?"

"A-ha! Jinxx, Jake, and I already knew. It's so obvious! I just wanted to hear you say it out loud. And how does Andy not know yet? Like I said, obvious!"

"I-Is it really?"

"Yeah, sorry to burst your bubble Ash." Jinxx added, joining the conversation.

"It's a wonder how Andy doesn't know yet." Jake said, finishing Jinxxs and CCs thoughts.

"Damn, do you guys think in sync or something?"

"Yes!" They all yelled in unison, laughing.

"Okay then, while you guys do that I'm going to wash this off." I said pointing to my war paint. As I started opening the door, CC, Jinxx, and Jake all started yelling.

"Ash wait! Andy's in there-" Just as I opened the door, I found Andy putting on a towel and got a great view of his, erm....member.

"Uh so-sorry A-Andy." I stuttered as I shut the door.

"Awh, .wittle Ashey saw his crush Jakey." CC mocked.

"Shut up! I forgot he was in there." I walked over to my bunk, sat down and shut the curtain. I rubbed my face smudging my war paint.

I'm Ashley Purdy! I can't feel like this! But the more sensible side of me knew I liked this feeling. I want to grow old with Andy, I want to cuddle up on a couch in an apartment we own together and watch old Batman cartoons. I want to be able to hold him and call him mine. But, that was never going to happen. By the end of all this, I realized I was crying.

"Fuck! I'm a man, why am I crying?" I mumbled to myself.

"Well, everybody needs to cry sometimes." Andy said, making me jump.

"W-When did you get he-here?" I stuttered, rubbing my eyes to stop the tears.

"About two minutes ago. Now tell me why you were crying." He said opening the curtain, and climbed in just wearing his boxers. He shut the curtain as he lied beside me.

"I-It's hard to explain." I sobbed as a new set of tears started flowing.

"Shh shh it's okay. Andy's here." He said this as he wrapped his arms around me, and I snuggled into his still damp chest. After about ten minutes of just laying there, him holding me, Andy says,

"Now are you going to tell me what's wrong?"

"I-It's just I rea-ally like someone but I know for sure they don't like me!" I mumbled.

"Wow! The great Ashley Purdy is afraid someone's gonna turn him down. The world must be ending! Who's the lucky whore?" He giggled cutely.

"Well, I really wouldn't call this person a whore at all. I think I might love him...."

"Him? Love? Damn, the world really IS ending! Who's the lucky guy?"

"Uh, you.." I muttered and quickly ran away to the back room and locked the door.

I heard footsteps coming close to the door and I knew it was Andy coming to beat me up. I curled into a ball next to the couch when I heard the lock being picked and the door swinging open. I heard his footsteps coming closer and I screamed.

"PLEASE NOT THE FACE! HIT ME ANYWHERE BUT THE FACE!" I used my arms to shield my face, but Andy pulled them away and I started sobbing.

"Please, I said not the face."

"Ashley, Ashley! What are you talking about?" He cooed.

"Y-You were go-onna beat me up, right?" I said, like I was back in high school.

"No! You're my best friend! Why would I do that?" He stared at me in disbelief.

"Well for one, I'm gay and two, I love you Andy!"


"So, I wanna grow old with you, I-I wanna hold you, call you mine. Hug you, kiss you, ju-just love you! But you don't love me back..." I trailed off.

"Wow Ash, why would you just assume I don't love you?" He chuckled.

"No, I know you love me, but not the way I love you."

"Why do you keep assuming that?"

"Be-Because you're straight, right?"

"No! Ashley Purdy, even if I was straight I would go gay for you any day." He winked, "But, besides that I love you. I love the way your face lights up when you play, I love your honey brown eyes and I just love you. I wanna grow old with you, I wanna share a life with you. Most importantly, I want to be yours Ashley Purdy and I want you to be mine."

And with that he pulled his lips to mine. It took me a second to react but when I did, I could've sworn sparks flew. Our lips moved passionately and I licked his bottom lip, playing with his lip ring. Just that little action got a moan out of him. When he opened his mouth a little more, out tongues danced exploring each others mouths. Eventually, we had to pull back for air but I didn't care. I'm riding a high that I never want to come down from, and judging from Andy's face, he was too.

"HA YOU OWE ME TWENTY BUCKS JINXX!" We heard CC yell and I jumped. We turned around to find CC, Jinxx, and Jake clapping and whooping.

"Wha-?" I finally asked.

"Dude, we all know you guys liked each other. We just had to bed when you got together." Jake explained.

"Well then. Come on Andy, lets go to my bunk." I said gaining confidence like the Ashley Purdy I am.

"Ashey, we are NOT fucking within the first five minutes of getting togther."

"I know Blue Eyes, I just want to cuddle."

That earned an "Awwh" from Jinxx. Tonight was the best night of my life. I got my Blue Eyes and that's all I need.

"Andy" I whispered, "I would die for you."

"Ashey, I'd die for you too."

Yup, best night of my life

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2013 ⏰

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