Chapter 9

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Sorry I've taken so long to update! I've been visiting family and practicing for a violin audition! Thank you for reading :) Sorry for typos! PS: THE CHAPTER AFTER THIS WILL GET EXCITING! :)

Song: Uprising by Muse

~Carly <3


Annabelle’s POV

Harry’s eyes widened considerably and his breath caught in his throat.

“Why do you ask?” he murmured.

“I read it in one of my Dad’s old books,” I frowned. “Is it bad?”

“No,” he hesiated. “It’s not bad, just……………intimate.”

“Oh,” the realization dawned on me. “I see.”

“Yeah,” he whispered.

Harry’s eyes suddenly lit up and he moved closer to me. “Are you curious about it?”

“No,” I blushed furiously.

“You are!” he smirked, his eyes turning mischevious.

“Maybe I am,” I mumbled.

Before I could register anything, Harry’s hands had pushed me onto my back on the sofa cushions. Harry wasted no time in straddling my lap and attaching his lips to mine. He soon tilted his head and slotted our lips together at a more comfortable angle.

It was a mess of lips and tongues, but it was oh so wonderful as the spraks flew between us. Harry broke away to trace his lips across my jawbone and down my neck, and he froze halfway down, panting against my skin.

“Are you sure?” he breathed.

“Yes,” I said confidently.

The pierce of his fangs spread a feeling of warmth through my body as he drank my blood. I felt Harry’s fingers link with mine and rest by my hip, his thumb tracing smooth patterns. As soon as he broke away, I flipped us over so that I was now stradling him. Harry smiled up at me, his green eyes dark but gleaming in the dim light.

“I love you,” he whispered.

My breath hitched and I smiled.

“I love you too,” I replied.

I kissed him briefly before moving my lips to his neck and biting down. It took only a moment before a searing pain filled my body and caused me to gasp, falling onto the floor.

I faintly heard Harry’s cry of pain above me.

What’s going on?

Niall’s POV

For some reason, I couldn’t fall asleep tonight. I stayed up merely pacing the halls for hours until I came to Anna’s room. I pressed my ear to the door and heard no breathing or movement. I frowned before knocking on the wooden surface lightly.

“Anna?” I whispered.


My hand turned the gold knob quickly and I found myself in an empty room.

“Anna?” I called louder.

My eyes caught sight of a book peeking out from under Anna’s bed and I crouched curiously beside it. I pulled it out before flipping to the page with a bookmark.

Only, it wasn’t a bookmark at all.

It was a picture.

My eyes roamed over the image of Anna and an unfamiliar man. They were smiling happily into the camera, heads pressed close together. Another photo fell from behind it.

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