This could've been a dream come true if it wasn't at 4 AM

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A sudden knock woke Mahiru up. He groaned and turned to the other side, draping his arm around his partner's waist, trying to fall asleep again. But the knocking continued. So the brown-haired boy finally decided to get up, leaving the warmth Kuro was giving off. His feet slid into his slippers and Mahiru slowly made his way through the apartment. The person behind the door knocked again.

"I'm coming!" Mahiru called softly as he entered the living room. Who could even be here at this hour? It could be his uncle, but even if he forgot his keys, he would message him beforehand so Mahiru could stay awake and open immediately. When he finally got to the door, Mahiru suddenly thought. What if it was a vampire? Or C3? No, either of them would come crashing through the window, and they wouldn't have knocked. So without thinking much, Mahiru opened the door. Behind them, a tall brown-haired man stood. He looked tired, but there was some sign of happiness behind his eyes.

"Good..." Mahiru glanced at the clock. 4 AM, "Morning. Do you need anything?" The man looked a little surprised, but then he smiled gently.

"You don't recognize me, do you?"

Mahiru blinked. He definitely didn't expect this question. He looked at the man one more time. He didn't recognize him. This was his first time seeing this man, yet there was a feeling of familiarity.

"I'm sorry, I-" He stopped and looked at his slippers, "I don't know you."

The man laughed loudly. Mahiru winced, scared that the man will wake up the entire apartment building with his laughter.

"It's okay Mahiru. I'm not mad. I kinda expected this to happen anyways. The thing is..." He looked at Mahiru with a big grin, "I'm your old man."

Silence. And then...

"What?" Mahiru didn't realize that he almost yelled the word. He stood there, his eyes widened in surprise, staring at the man who just said he was his father. His father who disappeared even before his mother died, his father who didn't show up at her funeral, his father who could have taken care of him but didn't, and let the others do it.

The man, Mahiru's father just stood there smiling awkwardly, waiting for his son to get his thought sorted a little bit. His son wasn't what he imagined him to be. At least, physically. He was quite short, with short brown hair and big brown eyes. For his taste, Mahiru was too skinny too. He saw some small muscles on his body, but they didn't seem to be from training itself, more like he gained them naturally. He also had a bandaid on his cheek and had small cuts all over his body. At least on what he saw, because the boy was wearing one size too big black t-shirt and knee-length blue shorts.

Mahiru opened his mouth to speak but was stopped by tired "Mahiru?" coming from behind him. The brown-haired boy turned around to stare at his partner who was staring back at him, blinking slowly.

„Ah, Kuro. Sorry, did I wake you up?" Mahiru asked as Kuro made his way to him. He looked at the man standing in the doorway.

„Whos this guy?"

„Oh, he's- "

„I'm Mahiru's father. And who are you? " Mahirus dad eyed his son's companion suspiciously. For some reason, he didn't like the boy. He was tall, alright, but it didn't look like he had any muscle on his bones. He also had really dark circles under his eyes and looked sickly pale. And he had this weird feeling around him.

"Your uncle didn't mention that you have a roommate Mahiru. He told me that you have a cat, but he didn't mention another person living here."

"Oh-h, really?" Crap, Mahiru is really bad at lying. Quickly going through his mind, trying to find a believable lie, he realized he had none. His brain came up with nothing. How was he supposed to get away with this? Should he just tell his father that Kuro is his neet servant vampire boyfriend and that they cant be away from each other for twenty-four hours otherwise Mahiru would die? Like hell he would believe that.

Dad, meet my NEET vampire boyfriend /KuroMahi/Where stories live. Discover now