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Gorm swiped his sword at Halfdan

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Gorm swiped his sword at Halfdan. The man expected it and hindered the blow with his sword. He was half aware of Gunnar's eyes on him. He always was. Gunnar was sitting down between his siblings. Gorm hoped that he could be the bridge that will mend them together. But he also knew that only Irvina's patience with her family would be the thing to hold them together.

Halfdan pretended to swipe to his left, but instead delivered a kick to his shin. Gorm groaned but kept standing. His grip on his sword tightened as he hoped for the pain to go away.

"I can feel his leering eyes everywhere!" Gorm raised a brow at Halfdan. They continued with the pretense attacks. "Erik follows us everywhere."

Gorm nodded in agreement. Since the spectacle in the Great hall, the King was like a hawk. His eyes were on Gunnar, then Irvina, and then on everyone who was around them. Which much to his chagrin was also him. But nothing could dampen his mood since Gunnar was spending every night since they returned in his hut. In his bed. Mostly naked.

Halfdan pushed him off, "I told Irvina she should just kick his ass out of here, but she said no." It was clear to Gorm that Halfdan was frustrated. And as his sparring partner, he seemed to take it out on him.

"He doesn't even have that many men here, it would be easy to overpower him," he continued. Gorm grimaced when Halfdan sliced too close to his face for comfort.

He hindered another too close swipe, "The neighboring Kings would take it as a threat. They already disagree with her rulership. You don't want them to ally against us." Halfdan kicked his gut, and he stumbled back. This would soon turn into a real fight.

"Men are too proud, I mean, she has led Trondheim for years, by the guidance of Loki." Gorm nodded in agreement and delivered a blow with his fist. Halfdan gave him a pointed look as he held his shoulder.

He advanced again, pushing the Queen's lover back, "Erik is clearly leading Frode stray, trying to put in his head that he could be King. Especially now if Gunnar rejected the throne." His eyes strayed towards Hvitserk, who whispered something in Irvina's ear.

"Hvitserk told me he interrupted you two amidst of passion." Gorm scoffed at Halfdan. Of course, the boy was running his mouth. Gorm ignored the jab and focused on trying to overpower him. He still didn't know what Gunnar thought about all of this. Did he want the city to know?

So he changed the topic, "He looks better." Halfdan nodded, eyeing the whispering man. "He is, Irvina doesn't make him have time to wallow." Gorm's stomach tightened. It seemed that Irvina was good at picking up strays and helping them.

"Ivar and Ronja are back at Kattegat." So they sailed safely, he finished. It distracted him enough for Halfdan to deliver a blow to his temple. He slightly sliced at his brow and Gorm hissed.

He looked at Halfdan with a look of bewilderment. Irvina hurried towards them, "That's enough for today." Gorm smirked at Halfdan at her concerned stare. Halfdan offered his hand to him with an apologetic smile.

"Sorry." Gorm nodded, dismissing him. Wasn't his first time bleeding. Gunnar threw a glare at Halfdan for him though. The prince stepped closer and looked as if he was debating if to come even closer.

He asked, "You alright?" Gorm nodded. He was at ease more than those around him, and he was the one wounded. His eyes focused on Frode slipping away. He would have to follow that prince.

His eyes focused on Gunnar, who now stepped a lot closer. His eyes were concerned. "I'm fine." He reassured him. To calm the man and not make him whine as he always does, Gorm put his hand over his arm. His fingers slit down feather-like and over his fingers.

"Just fine," he whispered, only for Gunnar to hear. The prince was looking into his eyes with a lustful glare. Gorm smirked at him, offering him a sensual look in return. As he said, nothing could bring his mood down. 

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