xx : mortem iuxta est

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Chapter Twenty : 

"Heed the warning."


04 : 05 : 21 | 10 : 32 : 43


"Hey.... Heeseung!"

Our classes was finally done, the professor finally dismissed us after a long lecture.

"hey.. let's talk."
I held the hem of his red cotton sweater to prevent him from walking away. he looked at me, raising an eyebrow.

"What do you want to talk about?"
he asked, looking around. I felt eyes staring at us and so does he.

"Not here."
i told him and held his hand, dragging him to the rooftop of the building.

he just let me drag him, with everyone on the hallway looking at us as if we are making a scene.

"Spill it now. "
we finally arrived on the rooftop after a few minutes.

I looked at him, he doesn't seem to be bothered at all.

"The voicemail.. did you received it too?"
I asked him. he looked at me, as if he's thinking before he spoke.

"What voicemail?"
he asked while arching a n eyebrow.

he didn't received it?

"It said mortem iuxta est. I received a voicemail earlier from the telephone on my dorm. you didn't received it?"

"Mortem iuxta est.... that means death is near."
he looked at me seriously.

and then his eyes softened, he left out a soft chuckle before patting my shoulder.

"What if that was just a prank call from someone? i used to have that often when I was still on your rank 1 position."
he told me, putting his hands on his pocket while laughing.

A prank call?

"do not take me as a joke, Lee Heeseung. This is a serious matter."

"your paranoia is the serious matter here, Ms. Yoon. " He paused before walking towards me, whispering on my ear. "drink some tea and relax yourself. maybe that's just the hangover from last night."
he said, grinning at me before walking out of the rooftop.

he's not buying it. I guess he didn't received the voicemail.

Am I being fooled...?

just paranoia?


The moment I stepped out from the rooftop, I immediately opened my phone and called Jungwon.

"She received the voice message too."
I said in a serious tone. he sighed from the other side.

"That confirms the five of us. me, You, Sunghoon-hyung, Jay-hyung and Jia-noona. I'm walking to the science lab right now. Can you go to Sunoo next?"

five out of eight.

If the killer is not among us... then we should all receive the voicemail right..?

"I'll go to ni-ki. let's just meet at the theatre room for sunoo. jake is wise. do not let him find out that you are asking for the voicemail."

i hung up the phone call as i finally arrived at the music hall where the musical instuments are stored.

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