timeskip part :)

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Tsukishima just came back home from a dinner party with his team the Sendai Frogs to celebrate their win on the quarter finals in the olympics (i didn't read the manga so i do not know im sorry), he lays his volleyball bag on the kitchen counter and walks into his and Hinata's shared bedroom and saw Hinata sitting on their master bed  watching the news. Hinata turns his head to face Tsukishima and a smile instantly crosses his face as he gets up from his sitting position and wraps his arms around Tsukishimas' waist, snuggling his head in the others' chest giving a small hum. "Babe im all sweaty and dirty i needa shower ahah," Tsukishimas says as he slowly removes Hinatas' arms from him and places a small kiss on the top of his head and walks to their closet to grab his clothes before taking a shower.

After coming out of the shower, Tsukishima had a towel resting on his head and a normal T-shirt and sweatpants, he lays down next to his soon to be Fiance, Hinata and sees what he was watching and saw that he was watching the Sendai Frogs quartal finals match against the Tachibana Red Falcons, a power house just under the Schweiden  Alders, Tsukishima was amazed to see Hinata watching their match, no one in the audience wouldve suspected the Sendai Frogs to win since the red Falcons were said a 'higher' ranking that the Frogs'.

"Why are you watching my match babe?" Tsukishima says, wrapping his arm around the oranges' waist pulling him closer for the warmth and comfort. "i was bored and remembered that the olympics quarter finals were today live so i decided to watch it and i must say..." Hinata says as he shifts himself to sit up and maneuvered himself to be sitting on top of Tsukishimas chest area, with the sudden movement, tsukishima's eyes widened but soon went back to noral and instead a smirk formed on his face. 

"When you jumped you looked amazing," Hinata says as he moves closer to Tsukishimas lips and before Tsukishima could feel the soft lips of his partner he looks up to see Hinata looking at him lightly chuckling hiding his face, Tsukishima started blushing of embarrassed at how he might've looked, "hahhhaahah Kei your face was so funny you should've seen it I'm sorry ahaha" Hinata was practically dying of laughter at this point which Tsukishima took advantage of.

He grabbed Hinatas shoulders and rolled him to move him beside him. he reached over to get the remote to off the TV and faced Hinata again and pulled him to his chest and placed his hands on the others back and rubbed gentle and soft circles in a claming way.

Hinata didn't move in anyway, he just sat there enjoying the touch he felt and placed his hand on Tsukishimas' chest and dug his face into his chest, inhaling the others scent, 

"i love you Kei.." 

"i love you to Shoyo.."

they fell alseep peacefully afterwards :)

hello!! ahah i wanted to thank everyone who has read this book and omggg 5.4k reads you guys do not know how much this means to me, also i was thinking if i should write on how they got engaged and their wedding but idk? ;) and also my new book, follow me or save the book, i'm currently having like no ideas on what to write lol but yeah thanks for everything :)

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