Chapter 2

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(thats Gojou and Y/n)

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(thats Gojou and Y/n)


Gojou:hey hey hey!

Y/n:want chips?

Gojou:*get the chips* hey! I care about your health ok?

Y/n:haha ok ok

Megumi started lonely beacause he rejected Nobara

Gojou:i have a question

Y/n:what is it?

Gojou:you like megu-
Y/n:*cover Gojou's mouth*yeah yeah i like him *whisper to Gojou

Gojou:then do 10 days couple

Y/n:ohhhh sure,should i ask him now?


Y/n:you can do it Y/n*sighs*

Y/n:uhhh megumi?


Y/n:can we do 10 days couple?*bite her lower lips*


Y/n: then your free

Megumi: s-sure

Megumi's Pov
Can we do forever?

Y/n:babe i want ice cream *pout*

Megumi:sure babe!

~few minutes~


Y/n:yes!*eating ice cream*

Megumi:should we date now babe?

Y/n:but were here in school

Megumi:later ok?

Y/n:ok *smiles

~1 hour later~

~on the date~

Y/n:beef please!

Megumi:beef too

Y/n:lets go now

Megumi:lets find some sit


Megumi:ok sure

~Megumi's house~


Megumi:babe can i sleep with you?


Y/n:6 days left...



~next day~

Megumi's Pov
Should i say it that i love him?
Not now cause i-im scared


Megumi:oh haha,where do you want to go?


Megumi:oohh thats nice


Megumi:what do you want?

Y/n:donut and cofee

Megumi:sure bab-*sees Nobara*

Nobara:love whos that?

Megumi:i dont

Nobara:*kiss Nobara*

Megumi:*kiss back*

Nobara:your mine again?

Megumi:no*Kiss Y/n

Y/n:*kiss back passionately*

Megumi:your mine


Nobara:hate you guys!

Megumi:ok so?

~Few minutes~

Y/n:bye babe*waves hands

Megumi:bye bye*waves hands with smile

~2 days later~

Y/n:happy birthday Babe!!

Megumi:tnx babe!*hugs

Y/n:*hugs back

After that megumi taste the food



Megumi:love you babe

Y/n:love you too babe

Megumi:4 days right?

Y/n:yeah?*sad smile

Megumi:dont be sad!its my birthday!



~Nobara's Pov~
Ill kill Y/n after there 10 days bla bla bla

~2 days left after they broke up~

~Y/n's Pov~
Ill now make him happy right now cause your free after 2 days


Y/n:yes yes

They have fun,eat,laugh,watch cinema

~The day...~

Y/n:*cry hard*

Megumi:its Y/n's birthday!ill make him a cake

Y/n go to the bridge

Nobara's Pov
I see Y/n at the bridge and im ready to shot her

Nobara:3...2...1*smirks and shot her

Y/n:3...2...1*jumps*ackk*someone shot her*

*few minutes*

Megumi:happy Birthday ba-where's

At the Tv

There's someone shot her and jumped on the bridge,her name is Y/n

Megumi:w-what thats not true haha

Nobara:*kick the door*yep its true*holding the gun

Megumi:AHHHHHH*crying hard

Megumi:GIVE ME THE GUN*crying


Y/n:theres something in your cheeks*laughing

Megumi:sorry sorry*laugh

Y/n:babe what if we have baby?

Megumi:lets do it now?


Megumi:your so cute when you laugh


~end of memories~

Megumi:i love you babe ok?*crying shot herself

~the end~
Hope you guys like it >3

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2021 ⏰

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