Honesty is the best Policy

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By the time he was finished with his explanation, Seokjin was already drowning in his tears. No, like literally. Taehyung figured that it was natural for someone who just got to know that their brother has been suffering from depression and going through his own dark phase and was not as much of an uncaring, emotionless or ungrateful an a**hole as previously thought, they were bound to react this way.

Somewhere in his heart, a tiny part of him felt guilty for disclosing such a personal fact about his fictional counterpart. Especially after knowing how hard his fictional counterpart tried to keep it a secret. But he stubbornly shrugged that thought off knowing that what he did was the right thing to do. That he was in fact doing a favour to both book Taehyung and his older brother when he disclosed his 'dark' secret.

If anything, he felt a lot lighter now. Knowing what he knew of the earlier owner of his body, he felt much happier knowing that Kim Taehyung- whose body he currently occupied- wasn't all that bad a person, both in personality or character. Sure he f**ked around and played with hearts and emotions as if people were toys- and perhaps they were, to that Taehyung at least- but he had his own sh*ts to deal with. So, even if his actions weren't justified, the unreasonable mindset of his fictional counterpart at least helped Taehyung to get a read on his personality and character- the real one and not the one that Kim Taehyung projected himself to be; God forbid, that young man was an absolute beast in deception, almost as much inept in it as much as he was in the art of seduction, almost- and he realized, quite surprised, that Kim Taehyung perhaps, just perhaps wasn't all that a**holic or emotionless as he was portrayed in the novel and that they just might have a lot in common than previously thought.

Anyway, back to Jin-hyung. The handsome 26-year old had stayed frozen for a solid 19 minutes and 27 seconds before bursting into a fit of tears as he whispered brokenly- and so heart-wrenchingly genuinely- how much he loved and treasured him- meaning his brother Kim Taehyung- and was sorry for not for listening to his worries earlier, which was quite stupid since Jin can't really have known earlier or forced his stubborn as hell brother to spill it on his own.
But overall, it was quite nice, Taehyung secretly admitted that to himself, it was nice being told that you are perfect just the way you are and that there's someone who's always got your back, who's always going to love you no matter what, who'd never ever leave you even if you tell him to...

It was all quite... pleasant. He felt all warm and loved and... good. It was a good feeling, one that he intended to go on feeling for quite a while.

So, the most important point is that Seokjin was even more understanding than Taehyung first deduced and was kind enough to accept Taehyung's apology (even if he didn't actually do anything wrong, but he didn't think that Jin would understand the logic of his... situation so, he let it be) and even agree- quite elatedly and readily might he add- to Taehyung's proposal at trying to mend their brotherly bonds. The purple-haired male seemed to have understood his brother's mental issues quite well and even felt guilty himself for not noticing it sooner- Taehyung supposed that's what genuinely kind and nice people feel whenever they see their loved ones suffering so he didn't voice out the fact that it kinda was his (book Taehyung's, damnit!) own fault for acting like an utter a**hole and completely ignoring the existence of Seokjin altogether, as if he never existed in the first place.

So, he continued soothing the sobbing purple-haired male to the best of his abilities as he continued to ignore the guilt stinging his heart at the thought that it should've been the real Taehyung, the real brother of Kim Seokjin who should've comforted him, been on the receiving end of the older's affections... That it wasn't actually aimed at him at all.
He ignored it all. Or at least tried to...

When Seokjin actually stopped sobbing, already an hour has come to pass, making Taehyung inevitably late for his destination. Still, Seokjin's wellbeing had been the first thing in his list of priorities and he would say he did a pretty good job in comforting his Jin-hyung even if it was hella awkward in the beginning. So he didn't quite mind the delay.

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