Chapter 4 : At school

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11:45am (They arrive the school)

There is no one in the school even the cleaner. The school have been closed down because of this case. It's sound quiet, they can only hear the sound of the birds and the wind across the tree. They walk around the school to find some clues, but there are nothing to notice.

Suddenly they heard the kid cry on the top of the school. They run as fast as they can, They all hope that the kid they gonna see is the president's son. But everything went wrong, The kid at the top of the school is Luke ( Rita's son).

Rita run so fast to hold Luke on her hand. Everybody are wonder about it, but at the same time they heard the glass broke. They look down to the hall. OMG, The incredible thing happen and they are so shout that what they see is President's son walking in the hall.

They move very quick to the hall, but Rita can't because she is holding Luke. Then Harry take Luke from Rita to make her run easily, But Pin Yi didn't notice about that. He run to the hall but President's son suddenly disappear at between room 401 and 402. Pin Yi decided go to room 402 ( Harry and Rita at the top of the school also saw it ), then they run in front room 402 and about to enter it, but Rita notice that the baby Harry holding is not her son.

Rita : wait harry!! This is not my baby (Luke)

Harry : what do you mean ?

Rita: My son would cry, If I holding him and run. Another thing is how can my son show up in here? Isn't Mr.Ditic look after him ? My son should be in the security house with Mr.Ditic.

Harry : Ok let's go inside and discuss with Pin Yi.

Rita : No!!! Do not enter!!!

Harry : So what are we gonna do now ? standing right here ?

(Ring Ring Ring ...)

Mr.Ditic pick up the phone

Rita : Mr.Ditic , Where are you now ?and does Luke with you ?

Mr.Ditic : Is there smth wrong ? I'm at the security house with your son and Why can't I sign Pin Yi? Where is him?

Rita ended the called. and look at that baby and said "Harry take that baby down" then she see the baby face are turning to Red. She doesn't talk anymore, she just pull that baby away on the floor and say "You are not my Son". Then the Baby also disappear....

[ Thank you so much for reading, I wish you have a great day and don't forget to check the next chapter to find out What Rita and Harry going to do next.]

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