Chapter 6 : Are we death ?

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Rita and Harry keep asking them and try to find the way to communicate them but it still doesn't work. Then Harry got an idea and he hit the house owner and everyone in the house. And it's still the same , nobody get hurt , nobody see Harry and Rita.

Rita : What ??? People in here can't see us. Are we death ?

Harry : I dun know, What are we gonna do next ?

Rita : I dun know, either.

Rita look so stress and she sit down on the floor with hand cover her hair .

They both are tired, then they take a rest for a while. At the time Harry is thinking about everything that happen since they enter to this school.He think about the bird sound, The baby sound on the top of the school, The broken glass, the fake LUKE, the room, and The magic world. then he got it. and he tell Rita

Harry : Rita !! we are not die, we just fall into the magic world.

Rita : How can you know about this ?

Harry : Harry we are not just fall into magic world when we walk in the room 402, But we all are in this Magic world since we enter this school.

Rita : ( she's not saying anything, but her face show that she accept this )

Harry : Let's just think about this. Why don't the school have any people? Why Luke is fake ? why Pin Yi suddenly disappear? Why did Pin Yi not wait for us to enter the room?

Rita : So you mean that this all are fake ?

Harry : yes, everything in here are fake even the school.

Rita : what about Pin Yi ? there is noway that he is fake.

Harry : I'm not sure about this .

Since they know that they are living in the magic world and everything are fake. They start to finding the truth to get out of this magic. But it's still not the end yet. there are people can see and talk to them and they found them in a tiny house at the middle of the village.

[ wooooh, Who are those people? How can they see and talk to Harry and Rita ? Is they fake ?. well you gonna find out in the next chapter]

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