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Y/n is sitting on the bed thinking about her life

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Y/n is sitting on the bed thinking about her life. It's been 3 days since she got married to V and everything in her life is changed, she is trying to speak to taehyung but he is just ignoring her. Girls and bts are also leaving here.

Mr and Mrs Kim tell them to leave here because they know that Y/n is not doing anything with her own wish.

They know that there son is forcing her but they didn't have any evidence. Even they if get any evidence they can't do anything against V because no police officer have dare to touch him after all they all work under him.

Mr Kim don't want anyone to get hurt because V can use their friends and familys members to threat y/n, that's why he told everyone to leave here with them.

He didn't want the girls to live with them but he also can't harm their live that's why Mr Kim allowed them to live here with them.

But V is not a common simple boy, he is a mafia king and he know what his father is planning. That's why he increased the no. Of his personal guards around the house and also added so many CCTV cameras in the mansion.

Y/n is busy in her thoughts that she didn't notice that someone already come inside the room, the person lay in the bed and put his head on his lap while hugging her waist tightly.

Y/n flinch because of that, she looked down and saw her husband who is staring at her deeply with his brown eyes...

Y/n want to push him but she can't do that or else he will harm him

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Y/n want to push him but she can't do that or else he will harm him. V caress her cheeks with his one hand while his another hand is around her waist and said

V = you're looking so beautiful in this dress... Baby.

Your dress

Y/n didn't said anything , she turn her head around another direction

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Y/n didn't said anything , she turn her head around another direction. V chuckle at her reaction. He grab her chin and make her look at him, y/n look at him than he and said

V = look at me when I talk to you... Baby.

Y/n nod her head slowly, he smile at her and said

V = there is a party tonight  I want you to come with me as my date.

Y/n = why should I come with you.

V smirk at her, he caress her lips and said

V = do you want me to cut him into pieces and give it to my dogs.

Y/n quickly shake her head as a no, she look at him and said

Y/n = please don't do anything to him.

V = than do what I say... My dear wifey.

Y/n quickly nod head, V smile at her, he buried his face on her stomach while holding her waist tightly with his muscular hands. V sniff her fragrance and said

V = you smell so good baby.

Y/n didn't say anything she just sit there being quite. V said in a commanding voice while sniffing her fragrance

V = caress and play with my hair.

Y/n quickly make the way of her hands to his soft and silky hair. She start caressing his hair and playing with them. Without her knowing she start humming songs with her beautiful voice which makes V go crazy and his heart flutter.

Imagine this is you and V

Imagine this is you and V

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To be continue....

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