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"What?" I say. Kalel starts to laugh.

"I'm just kidding. I would of been suspicious if that blank expression left your face," she says smiling at me. I let out a sigh. I thought she actually found something. I have no idea what I would have to do. Kill her? Probably not. That's way too messy.

"Why don't you smile?" she asks.

"Aren't you here to clean me up?" I ask changing the subject.

"Okay," she says pushing her blonde hair away from her eyes.

"There's a towel and a first aid kit in my bed side table," I say pointing over to it. She nods and takes her walk over.

It's at that moment when I realize, holy shit she is the human form of a angel. It's the way her green eyes have endless sparks of colors and he can already see the unique swirls in them. There are many people on this earth with pretty green eyes, but non can even compare to hers. They fit so well with her tan skin. She must of laid out in the sun for hours everyday to get to her perfect color. It's the shade of a perfect cup of tea before you go and do your work. Then her hair just ties it all together. Between the blonde strands there is brown streaks that are natural, like everything else she has. They look like comets through the night sky. Streaking through at random places and showing off her beauty. Bringing some color into her head of pale blonde. And, honestly, she could pull of any hair color she wanted. She was one of those people who would look good in anything. Kalel was the definition of human perfection.

But this means nothing to me. So what, she is inhumanly perfect. Can she get away with a bank robbery? I don't think so.

"Here," she says coming over with a wet cloth. She gently starts to pat it onto my skin. Suddenly, it gets harder for me to breathe. I can feel her hand on my shoulder as the other one gently takes away all the dried blood on my neck. I take a deep breath. It's like my throat is closing in. Is she choking me or something? What's happening?

Kalel moves her hand from my neck up to where the actual cut is. She slowly dabs it. It stings a bit, but it will go away. She moves away and I can hear a packet rip open.

"This will sting," she says. I continue my stare at the blank wall in front of me. I feel the wetness of the small antiseptic wipe then a pain begins to settle in. I keep my same face and keep breathing. I thought that it was supposed to be involuntary. I guess not.

"You don't even flinch,"she says curiously.

"It doesn't hurt that much," I say.

"Want a band-aid?" she says with a small chuckle.

"I'm good on that," I say standing up.

"Wait, you have some blood on the back of your shirt," she says placing a hand onto my hip. I move away from her touch.

"It's fine," I say turning around and looking at her. Her blue jean jacket has a nice striped shirt under it. She has black jeans on with rips in various places.

"Could you let me check them out?" Kalel asks standing up.

"Honestly, it's fine," I say getting fed up with her constant talking. Even through her voice is like sweet honey. Okay, maybe I'm not fed up with her talking. It's just talking about me.

Silence settles between us as she stands up.

"I should go now, I guess," she says pulling out her phone. She reads a message on it. "Or maybe not."

"What?" I ask.

"There's a city wide shutdown to try and catch this bank robber," Kalel says brushing hair out her face.

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