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I pull my journal from my bag pack and flip to the current day.

"What's that?" She asks from my bed. I sigh and turn the chair to look at her. She is going to be such a fucking nuance. Thank god I don't have much work.

"It's where I write what I have to do for homework," I say and look over at the page. 'Write a paragraph on how and where alcohol affects the brain.'

"No need to be mean," Kalel says lying down. I turn fully around and open up my laptop. My fingers fly over the keyboard as I begin to type out the full paragraph. She doesn't even check these things. Some people barely even do the paragraphs she tells us to write. Then, when we write papers, those are the ones getting bad grades. So, might as well do what she says.

Kalel's P.O.V

What is with Louis? He's not like anyone I have ever met before... He's so, emotionless. He's in his own reality. All of this is kind of scary, but so interesting. I just want to find out more about him.

Also the fact that he's incredibly hot also makes me want to make out with him.

I'm brought out of my thoughts by his laptop shutting.

"So how much longer are you going to sit there and ignore me?" I ask looking at the back of his head. Louis spins around in his chair to face me.

"Maybe until you leave," he says with venom.

"Ouch," I say with a smile.

"When will this damn shut down be over," he says quietly.

"You know we could have fun. Like maybe a board game," I suggest.

"I'm not 7, I don't own any board games," he responds and gets up.

"Well looks like that you're no fun either," I say as he walks out the room. I hear his footsteps stop and he looks at me from the door frame.

"Are you going to follow me or just sit on my bed?" he asks with a tired-of-your-shit look on his face. Lets just say I definitely know that face. I get it a lot.

"Maybe I like it in here. It's pretty comfy," I say feeling the sheets.

"Well too bad because last time I left you alone in here you snooped through my stuff," he says with a motion for me to come over to him.

"True," I say and stand off his bed. He turns back around and I continue to follow him.

"Okay, you are going to stay here, and I am going to cook something in the kitchen, okay?" he asks pointing to a couch. It sits in front of a very large T.V.

"Wow, you are so rich," I say and throw myself on the couch. He rolls his eyes.

"Sure," he says. "The promote is over there. " I look over to where he is pointing and quickly grab it.

"Gotcha," I say and turn it on.

Louis' P.O.V

God, I have no idea how I will last the whole night with her. She looks so cute sitting there flicking through the channels.

What am I saying?

I quickly look away and go into the kitchen. I run a hand through my hair. I need to focus on things other than Kalel.

"What are you doing in there?" she asks.

"Stuff," I respond. I grab out 2 eggs from the fridge and put a pan on the stove and heat it up. I grab out 2 cups and fill them with iced tea.

"Look at how domestic you are," Kalel says. I flinch and almost drop the egg.

"Jesus Christ, you almost made me drop this," I say turning around and holding up the egg. She lets out a small laugh and jumps onto the counter on the opposite side of the kitchen. In this lighting her eyes look so green with small specks of golden yellow. Her tanned skin glows and emphasizes how perfect and flawless her skin is. I look away before she notices.

"So what are you doing?" she asks.

"Cooking," I say and turn back to the pan. I crack the eggs into them and stare at how the outside slowly turns white.

"Do you cook a lot?" she asks.

"A bit," I say and get a spatula from the drawer beside the oven.

"You are such a housewife," she says watching me. I roll my eyes and flip the eggs.

"Get the plates out. Top cabinet on the right," I say.

"Demanding, I like it," she says. A small smile creeps onto my lips.

What is she doing to me? I never smile because of another person. I can't even remember the last time I smiled at someone. Kalel is officially ruining me.

"Here you go," she says slipping the plates next to me.

"Yeah, thanks," I say and place the eggs onto the plates.


I step out the bathroom with just my boxers on and my wet hair somewhat fixed away from my eyes. I look over and see Kalel sitting on my bed.

"So where am I sleeping?" she asks tucking a piece of her short blonde hair behind her ear.

"Um, the couch? I don't know," I say looking at her. I can feel her eyes staring at my toned chest, I just can't help but smirk at her.

"Then the robber could break in and kill me," she says.

"Fine. Sleep in my bed," I say and walk past her.

"Well where will you sleep?" she asks.

"In my bed," I say

"Wait, you want us to sleep together?"


hey guys! really short chapter because I feel bad for not updating in such a long time. tell me if you like the longer ones or shorter better (:

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2015 ⏰

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