Chapter 6: Altercation

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"Now, children, this would be the perfect hotel to rest in!" Catherine said, looking at a rundown hotel.

Catherine and Alexander had borrowed Orion's helicopter and then drove to save us in the desert. Therefore the desert, we moved into Cario's city. We had purposely dropped Murray and Agent Durkee back in the desert, but knowing them that they might escape, we tied them up with rope and then dug a hole and dropped them in there. Everyone had immediately drunk buckets of water, except Erica, who had just drunk half a bottle of water and said that was enough to quench her thirst.

"Yeah! This looks like the perfect place to rest!" Mike cheered, always being an optimistic person.

"This looks like the most horrifying place ever to rest," Erica grumbled, constantly dampening everyone's cheerful mood.

"For once, I agree with Erica; this is horrible. There's probably a handful of bed bugs in there!" Trixie grumbled as well.

"Well, if Croatan, er, I mean Croder ever comes looking for us, this would be the last place they would look," Catherine said. "What we need to do, is hide in the least suspected place."

"Hiding in the dump could also be a good place to hide. But that doesn't mean we should hide there." I pointed out. "Why couldn't we hide in the nice lofty villa next door? Orian gave you enough money for that, right?" Catherine knew I was right but just dodged my question.

"Let's just head on in; we'll search for that later," Catherine said. The steps were coated with dust which meant it wasn't cleaned for a day or two. In the hallways, spider webs were hanging out in the corners, and the area had a horrible smell of rotten eggs.

"How can I help?" A teenager who looked around my age asked. He slightly looked up when he saw Erica and Trixie.

"Rooms for three, please," Catherine said in her sweetest voice.

"You didn't see the do not disturb sign on my door?" He asked.

"You didn't see the Canal Hotel sign you put up on your door?" Erica said harshly. "Now quit checking me out and get rooms for three."

"Try me." He said mockingly. "I got a black belt in karate when I was seven, and I am the top of my class, so I suggest you go before I whip your butt. I knew the kid didn't stand a second near Erica, but Catherine said it before me.

"Gentleman, let's be nice now. We need to use this hotel room, and I am warning you, you don't want to mess with us, so please let us in," Catherine said sternly.

"Yeah, right, you look like you're a harmless tourist from British, the kid with the brown hair looks like a math nerd, and the only one who looks threatening is the girl with blue eyes, but I think I can handle her," he said with a smirk. Erica suddenly attacked him with a flying round kick in the face. The kid barely dodged it and tried to throw a punch in but was avoided by Erica.

In the meantime, all Mike and I could do was stand in the watch. I was the worst in karate, so it was better to stand in watch. Alexander initially thought of helping, but his karate skills were even worse than mine, so we grabbed him back before he did anything drastic. And as for Trixie, this was probably the first time she saw her sister in action before. She was in awe, gasping and cheering for her sister.

Erica swung around and grabbed this wrist and twisting it hard. He whimpered and then fell to the floor. Erica kicked him in the jaw, and I was pretty sure he saw stars. Erica calmly took out a taser and pointed it at him.

"You just got lucky this time," he said, although that probably wasn't true. His face was beaded with sweat while Erica smelled like she just came out from a shower.

"Tell this to anyone, and next time it won't be your hotel we're taking from you; it's your soul, we're taking," Erica growled and then punched him in the face. He got knocked out cold.

"Well, that was intense. Let's  go!" Alexander exclaimed, giving a pat on Erica's back.

To my surprise, Erica gave one of her rare smiles to Alexander. If this were a few months ago, Erica would've punched her dad in the face for touching her. Alexander was a fraud and blamed Erica for spilled milk over his essential files, but in reality, Alexander forgot some files in McDonald's bathroom. That's why Erica got a black mark on her file. But Alexander fixed this mistake and admitted the truth, not wanting to lose a few bones to Erica. Erica eventually forgave him, and things were fine now.

We walked through the dusty hallways and into the bedrooms. Because Catherine and Alexander got divorced a few years back, they slept in different rooms. Catherine slept with Erica while Trixie slept with Alexander. Mike and I shared a room.

We dropped off our things and then got out of the hotel.

"So, where are we supposed to look for, dad?" Alexander asked.

"I think I know," I said. Everyone perked up hearing this. "What was the last thing Cyrus said?"

"He said the bomb was going to explode," Trixie said.

"No, what did he say before that?" I asked.

"The bomb is located at 30.0131°, 31.2089°," Trixie said.

"But wait and think, how does Cyrus know that? And even if he did, are you sure that's the location for the bomb? And not something else?" I hinted. I knew the location of almost every single place in the world. So I knew that the latitude and longitude that he said wasn't for the bomb.

Erica immediately opened up her phone and started to look for it.

"Erica, don't look it up; Croder can track you if you do online," I said.

"Don't worry; I already scrambled my location.  If they look me up, they think I'm scuba diving in the Mediterranean Sea for treasure," Erica said calmly. "Ben, you're right. The latitude and longitude aren't for the bomb. It's for Giza."

"Pack your bags, everyone! It looks like we're headed to Giza!" Catherine chirped.

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