The Incident

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Four was now 8 months in, not long until their baby would be brought into the world. Every day they grew more nervous about something going wrong, whether it be complications or something else. Four thought pregnancy felt nice, they certainly didn't miss having their period every month, unlike X who was currently on theirs. 

Four was out in a field of flowers, picking some to give X with their buddy Leafy who was accompanied by Flower.

"Four, you've been so nice lately, and getting flowers for your buddy X is the nicest thing you've ever done!" Leafy smiled. She was proud of Four for everything they were doing for X. Four smiled at Leafy and looked at Flower who was also smiling.

"Four, you've really improved lately, what happened?" Flower asked.

"Well, a while ago, the EXITors said I was cool, and I've never really... been complimented..." Four's eyes started to water, a mix of sadness and joy. 

"Well, I'm glad you're happy now!" Flower said, giving Four a pat on the back. "If you ever need anything, you can just ask us!" Flower added. Four nodded and continued picking Flowers. Four bent down and picked a small blue flower, and saw another in the distance. Four squinted.

"Is there something wrong buddy?" Leafy asked, walking up to Four.

"Look over there..." Four replied, pointing towards a lone Rose in a field full of yellow and blue flowers. Leafy squinted and saw it too. "Roses are X's favorite!" Four continued. Leafy's eyes sparkled, realizing what they should do.

"Let's go get that rose!" Leafy shouted, grabbing Flower's hand and running off with her. Four smiled and ran with their basket of Flowers after the girls.

"Haha we're going so fast!" Flower exclaimed, she had never had this much fun with anyone before. "WEEEEEE!" Flower screamed. Four was running as fast as their little pregnant body could go.

"HEY! THIS ISN'T EASY FOR A PREGNANT PERSON!" Four yelled to Leafy, who slowed down in response. Flower didn't care. 

"This is a race now! HAHA!" Flower giggled and picked up Leafy and ran even faster. Four knew they shouldn't but they did anyways. They ran faster than they had ever before, slowly catching up to Leafy and Flower. 

"Slow down Flower!" Leafy shouted with wind blowing into her face. "Four could get hurt- or even worse, the baby!" Flower showed no mercy.

"I'M ON A WINNING STREAK, BABY! NO STOPPING ME NOW!" Flower said, jumping across to the other side of a river that passed through the field of flowers.

"I'M ON A WINNING STREAK, BABY! NO STOPPING ME NOW!" Flower said, jumping across to the other side of a river that passed through the field of flowers

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Four got to the river and stopped in their tracks. They backed up and ran full speed towards the river and jumped across, they quickly overtook Flower and Leafy. Leafy started to cheer for Four while Flower desperately tried to catch up to them. Four saw the rose and tripped, falling on their back causing dust and dirt to fly everywhere as they scuffed their body, picking the rose in the process.

Flower finally caught up and started to pant. 

"Four you did it!" Leafy cheered for her buddy Four. 

"Okay, I'll admit, that was impressive." Flower sighed, out of breath. She wiped sweat from her forehead. Four stood up, brushing themself off. They were mostly fine aside from a cut on their arm.

"Are you okay?" Leafy asked Four, paying attention to their cut. 

"Yeah, I'm fine." Four replied. Four, Leafy and Flower were about to head back home when they saw Profily playing with the grass in the distance. "HEY PROFILY!" Four screamed to Profily.

"HEY BUDDY! WANNA PLAY WITH GRASS?" Profily shrieked across the field. 

"YOU BET I DO!" Four responded, running over to them. Flower and Leafy looked at eachother and started walking back home. Four ran over to Profily and Profily gazed at them, puzzled. "Heya buddy, when's the baby shower?" Four forgot about that. 

"I don't know, never." Four stated, "But I could use a shower..." Four finished. Profily chuckled and agreed. 

"You're right on that buddy!" Profily exclaimed, eating the grass they were playing with. 

"Hey Profile buddy, let's head to my house so I can clean up and we can hang out!" Four said excitedly, Profily got up and grabbed Four's hand.

Four and Profily arrived at Four's house and Profily sat on their couch, watching "Big Mouth" on Netflix. They were enjoying their time when suddenly they heard a screech from the bathroom. They rushed over to check what was going on and they saw Four in the shower holding their stomach. 

"P-Profily- call X- my water just broke..." Four grunted through groans of pain. Profily knew this was time to be serious, they grabbed Four's house phone and dialed X and then the hospital. Profily ran back into the bathroom.

"I called X and the hospital, you'll be okay Four!" Shortly after, Nine showed up to drive Four and Profily to the hospital where they would meet X. 

"So Fourbro, X knocked you up?" Nine inquired. Four simply grunted as tears streamed down their face. Nine chuckled nervously. X was waiting in the parking lot for Four, Nine lifted Four out of the car and Profily went to get X. "Don't worry Fourbro, it's all gonna be fine." Nine comforted Four, who responded in deep breaths. 

X and Profily ran over to help Nine carry Four, X squeezed Four's hand tightly and whispered to them. 

"I love you so much Four, we'll get through this..." X sobbed. Four squeezed X's hand back. A Zero was waiting at the hospital's front desk and put Four in a wheelchair and hospital gown. 

"Ma'am you'll be alright." the Zero told Four. They reached the birthing room and Nine and X stayed in with Four while Profily went to take a piss. Nine took out a camera.

"Saving this for later..." Nine said to himself.

Four panted, breathing faster and heavier by the second. Four started to scream until they were screeching, nearly knocking out the Zero trying to deliver the baby.

"Push!" The Zero kept repeating as Four screeched louder and louder. "It's crowning!" the Zero said as the head started to poke out of Four's vagina, the baby finally popped out, but something was wrong. The Zero took the baby outside of the room.

"Can I see them?" Four asked in desperation as the Zero walked out.

"No." the Zero responded. The door slammed behind them and X grabbed Four's hand. 

"You did it..." X whispered as Four struggled to speak. 

"Congrats Fourbro!" Nine yelled to celebrate. Then Profily walked in.

"Aw shucks, did I miss it?" Profily asked, disappointedly. 

After about an hour, Nine had to leave but Profily and X stayed by Four's side the entire time. Just then, the Zero walked back in, grimacing.

"We're sorry." the Zero whispered. Four stared in confusion as X started to tear up. Profily was lost. 

"We couldn't save it." the Zero sighed. "We're sorry for your loss..." The Zero tried not to cry and walked out of the room.

Four realized what was going on, earlier, what happened earlier... This was their fault. They did this. They killed the baby. The miscarriage was their fault. They're a monster. Darkness started to surround them as X's eyes became black. Four shrieked and began to cry. They shut their eyes tight and reopened them. They were in their bed, sweating. Their sheets were drenched. They saw their pregnant belly, it was all a dream.

Four let out a sigh of relief as X walked in to give them food.

"What's wrong honey?" X asked Four.

"Nothing, just a bad dream..." Four sat up in their bed, relieved.

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