The Confrontation

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Two days had passed since Four had their conversation with X about starting a family and it was now Monday, the start of a school week in the EXIT. Four walked into the classroom with all the students watching them closely, their attention being brought to Four's rather rotund stomach. Four nervously passed out the assignments for the day, finally getting to Pencil.

"Hey Fourster, you pregnant or something?" she asked while chuckling.

"Don't be such a bitch Pencil- just because Four has gained some weight doesn't mean you need to be rude-" LIY interrupted angrily.

Four silenced the two quarreling classmates. "N-no I'm definitely not pregnant- haha- nope!" Four shuffled away to the front desk where they sat and began grading yesterday's classwork. Match turned to Pencil.

"Four is like, so like, annoying! And they're acting like, so weird, like!" Match whispered to her best friend.

"I know- with the way they're acting it's like they actually ARE pregnant!" Pencil replied. Four overheard and screeched Pencil.


"Someone's in a bad mood." Pencil snickered. Four responded with a quiet growl.

Four came back into the outside world after finishing grading the previous day's assignments and left the EXITors to do their work alone, they needed a break from Pencil and Match. Four decided to take a walk along the Goiky Canal. They were strolling along the Canal, staring into the water and focusing on their reflection. 

"Wow, you're growing up fast," They whispered to themself. "I need to tell X before it's too late, after all you are their little one as well." 

"Tell me what Foury?" X inquired, startling Four. X had been taking a walk too, that's what they did on their free time when not gardening or doing something at home. They had seen Four they thought they might as well go say hi.

"Oh- I- uh- well-" Four stuttered nervously.

"Yes?" X was getting impatient.

"Remember when we, y'know... had sex," Four looked down at their own feet, nervously twiddling their thumbs and avoiding eye contact with their lover. "Well- you see- I- we-" Four looked up into the eyes of X. "You didn't use a condom." X looked at Four, shocked. "You got me pregnant..."

X was in disbelief. "There's no way! How do you know you're pregnant? You couldn't possibly- you're just putting on weight it has to be that!" Four didn't crack a smile. X knew this wasn't a funny doing.

"I took the pregnancy test on Friday, when you were getting food from Gelatin's Steakhouse. It came back positive. We're having a child X." Four announced, staring at X with wide open eyes. X teared up and cracked a wide smile.

"Oh Four this is fantastic, I'm so glad we're finally starting a family- I love you so much!" X embraced Four tightly as they both started to cry.

"I love you too, baby." Four said softly with their arms wrapped tightly around X.

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