IV. Emma

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Jace called his brothers more times than he can count.
No answer, his sister woke up a few Minutes ago and Jace has successfully engaged her in a staring contest he hasn't taken his eyes off her.

No,No,No. Please don't cry. It's okay." Jace takes her out the stroller and and rocks her, she cries a cries louder." "Your probably terrified aren't you baby girl, It's okay."

He kisses her chubby cheeks inhaling her baby sent and says "I'm your brother and I'm going to take care of you."

10 Mins Later Emma is still crying and Jake is full on Panicking.

2 hrs later Emma is happily playing with a toy on the floor. After watching Mommy & Me videos Jake was able to successfully feed and change Emma.

Going through the bag her mother left supplies were running low. He found her birth certificate she was born 8 Months ago.

He wonders what those 8 months were like for his sister and thinks back to what he was doing.
It's hard to believe while he was playing basketball with his friends his sister was coming into the world. He missed the first 8 months of her life. Although
being so young she doesn't do much so maybe he didn't miss out on a lot of milestones. At least he and his Brothers could be there for the rest.

Emma had two meals worth of baby food and one outfit to change , no pajamas.

Jace sighs and looks at Emma on the floor. Looks at the note on the table and grabs the card Nathan left, figuring this is as good of an emergency as any.

He picks his Sister up, grabs the stroller and heads to the store.

By the time 8:00 rolls around.
Emma is getting cranky.

Jace can tell she's a good kid. Never crying unless she's hungry or her diaper is full.

After being fed she's sticky plus there is a heat warning in the area so she's sweaty.

Jace decides to give her a bath then put her to bed.

He grabs his sister and says. "We are going to take a bath and get you all clean".

He tickles her under her chin ands and smiles  as she giggles and kicks her chubby legs.

After undressing her he gently puts her in the baby tub he was glad he purchased. She was so small and even though she can sit up with a little help. He felt better knowing she won't drown.

Jace was a nervous wreck trying not to get soap in her eyes .

Turns out Emma liked baths.
He made it fun with bubbles and toys.
For the first time giving a baby a bath he was proud of himself and thought he did well.

Getting her to fall asleep was a different story. She was wide awake . He tries to lay her in her crib but she's not having it and starts to cry "
Ok,ok shhh".
He tries to remember a nursery rhyme but comes up blank. Looking at her  he says "the itsy bitsy spider crawled up a wall down came the rain and washed the spider down and all the kings horses and all the kings men couldn't put him back together again"

Emma screamed louder. "Okay, so no nursery rhymes"he mutters to himself .

Looking at sister he sees the tears gather in her eyes he picks her up, starts to rock her and sing

Just the two of us
We can make it if we try
Just the two of us
Building them castles in the sky
Just the two of us
You and I..

When he's finished Singing she asleep, he kisses her on the cheek and places her in her crib slowly.

While she sleeping he's studying her features there is no doubt that's his sister.

All his brothers resemble each other and she was the female version. Same eyes, hair and nose although she has the cutest dimples when she smiles. She must of inherited those from her mother.
He stops staring at his sister and looks at the clock 11:00pm. With one last glance he kisses her forehead whispers sweet dreams walks to his bed and promptly falls asleep.

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