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Stray Kids had just come back from a long tour all over Asia. To recover, they were granted a week off, which most of the members used to visit their families. That was impossible for the two Aussies though, so they would be spending their free time at the dorm. Considering that Hyunjin was one of Felix' caregivers and the younger would probably spend a large amount of the time in his headspace, Hyunjin decided to stay at the dorm too. He'd take day trips to visit his family but would be sleeping at the dorm every night to care for his little. Yes, Chan was Felix main-caregiver but Hyunjin took care of his dongsaeng just as much and though the two Aussies would manage without him there, the dancer knew Felix felt the best with both of his caregivers present. Since Felix couldn't see his family, Hyunjin wanted him to at least be able to be with both of his caregivers.

It was the first morning of the three of them being alone at the dorm. Felix was the first one to be awake, though he wasn't in his headspace. Not wanting to bother his hyungs, who had to be just as tired as him, the Aussie got up and started to make breakfast. He wanted to give pancakes another try, reminding himself to use less butter this time. Chan and Hyunjin would hopefully be happy about being woken with a sweet and warm breakfast, something they hadn't had the time for lately. Since Felix woke up a lot earlier, he started to feel hungry already and ate a few pancakes fresh out of the pan. There'd still be enough for his friends and that way, he could make sure they actually turned out great this time. Felix had just poured the last scoop of batter into the pan when his stomach started to hurt. He didn't think much of it, maybe he had just eaten too much, not really paying attention to the amount because he was still cooking at the same time, or he just put too much whipped cream on his pancakes. That must have been the reason. When the last pancake was done, he quickly turned the stove off and limped his way over to the couch with his arms wrapped around his middle tightly. Curling up around one of the cushions, Felix started to feel cold, so he pulled the quilt that always hung over the back of the couch over his shaking body and tried to go back to sleep.

Felix didn't really manage to go back to sleep, rather dozing off for a few minutes at a time. That was how Chan found him an hour later. The leader decided to wake him up, so Felix wouldn't struggle to fall asleep the following night. "Good morning", he singsonged cheerfully. Felix sat up confused before mirroring the older's smile. His pain momentarily forgotten, he beamed: "Hyung, I made you breakfast." – "You did? Well thank you. Do you want to show me?", Chan giggled. Felix seemed unsure for a moment, contemplating whether they should wait for Hyunjin first, before deciding he was too impatient to not show his hyung right now. He got up and tugged on Chan's hand, pulling him to the kitchen where the sweet smell of pancakes still hung in the air. While it was the most appetizing to Chan, it made Felix' stomach turn reminding him of how upset his stomach still was. The younger tried to keep a straight face despite the color slowly draining from it, as he showed Chan the stacks of freshly made pancakes.

It wasn't until Felix took a close look at the food he had prepared earlier, that his stomach twisted painfully and he started to sweat profusely. He could feel his breakfast starting to climb up his throat and knew he wouldn't be able to make it to the bathroom. Taking the closest option, he sprinted over to the kitchen sink as a retch tore from his throat. Chan was completely caught of guard because Felix had seemed just fine seconds before but he pulled himself together and walked over to rub his dongsaeng's back as he gagged up his barely digested breakfast. Felix coughed harshly before bringing up more. He struggled to actually get it up because it was still thick, considering he had eaten not too long ago. "You okay, mate?", Chan asked worriedly but the only answer he got was more cream splattering into the sink. Spitting into the sink one last time, Felix turned around and pressed his face into Chan's chest. The leader felt his shirt get wet with tears as the younger cried out: "D-Daddy, Lixxie n-nuh feel good." – "I can see that, baby", the older sighed, picking the little up and placing him on his hip, "Let's get you cleaned up a bit."

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