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Felix had gone back to sleep against Chan's chest and the two caregivers were hopeful that he'd be able to keep the medicine down. It had been an hour since he had fallen asleep and his fever had gone down significantly, thanks to the pill Hyunjin had given him. Sadly, it was only a fever reducer and painkiller but it wouldn't do anything to help his stomach, rather the opposite if taken on an empty stomach. Since Felix seemed to be resting just fine at the moment, Hyunjin felt it save to leave the two Aussies for the time being. He wanted to pick up some anti-emetics and maybe some antacids from the pharmacy because it seemed to be more fit for the little's bug than what they had at home. Chan looked around the pillow fort and was convinced he had everything he would need in case Felix had to be sick again. He assured Hyunjin that he had it handled and waved him good bye. Having Felix asleep on top of him, the leader couldn't really do much but he had his phone, so he turned on a soft playlist and scrolled through social media with his free hand stroking the little's back.

It was only ten minutes after Hyunjin had left but Felix started to squirm in his sleep. His stomach was suddenly hurting a lot more and he woke up to an intense cramp, crying out loudly and clutching Chan's shirt in his fists. The caregiver startled but quickly dropped his phone and comforted his dongsaeng till the cramp let up. He had the sick bowl ready because he didn't know exactly why Felix had woken up but he guessed he had had a nightmare since he was crying so hard. "Sunshine, can you tell daddy what's going on?", he hummed worriedly. The little only sniffled and pulled away from Chan to wrap his arms tightly around his middle, so the older figured: "Your tummy hurts?" Felix nodded. "Worse than before?" Another nod. "Do you need to be sick again?", the leader asked, bringing the bowl closer. Felix shook his head but whimpered: "Ouchie daddy." Chan softly cupped the little's cheeks and found his fever was still low but then he remembered it was only so low because of the medicine. It suddenly hit him, though Felix didn't take the pill on an empty stomach, his stomach wasn't really full either when he took it, so the pain might be due to the medicine. Now Chan wasn't so sure about not wanting the little to throw up again, maybe if the pill was out, the pain would get better but on the other hand, if his fever was successfully lowered, the pill had already been absorbed and throwing up wouldn't do much except for hurting Felix more.

He didn't have much time to contemplate it because Felix himself reached for the bowl and pulled it closer. Apparently, he did feel sick because he held onto it tightly. Chan took the bowl from the little and held it under his chin, promising: "You can go ahead, I got you. Just let it happen." Felix didn't need to be told twice and hunched over the bowl with a retch. He didn't bring anything up but his stomach and throat burned and he couldn't help but tear up again. While Chan held the bowl in one hand, he rubbed the other up and down the younger's arm, trying to calm him. The little gave a low cough, gagging on it and sending a wave of stomach acid splashing into the bowl. The caregiver cringed in sympathy but continued to continued to comfort his dongsaeng as he hiccupped and heaved up another small dribble. The acid was burning his throat and Felix couldn't stop heaving, despite not bringing anything else up. Chan grew more concerned because it just didn't seem to stop despite the younger being empty. The sippy cup was still filled with juice, so he didn't want to give him that. Waiting till the heaves tapered off, the leader tucked a few stray strands of Felix' hair back and whispered quiet reassurances.

That was how Hyunjin found them when he returned from his trip to the pharmacy. The little's stomach was slowly calming down but they didn't want to move quite yet. "We should really take him to the doctor, shouldn't we?", Chan hummed lowly, softly pinching Felix arm and noticing the skin taking a few seconds before straightening again, "He's already dehydrated and I'm worried it's only going to get worse." Hyunjin bit his lip and nodded thoughtfully: "I guess but.... Do you think we could wait a few more hours, try the medicine and electrolyte drinks I bought. Of course, if he passes out or something like that, we'll leave immediately but Felix is already terrified of hospitals and doctors when he's big. How terrifying must that be when he's to feverish and little to really comprehend what's going on." – "I don't want him to have to go through that either, so yeah, let's try but if it doesn't work we have to go", Chan agreed, placing the sick bowl back onto the ground. Felix immediately crashed into his chest, exhausted and in pain, only wanting his caregiver to hold him and take the pain away. The older gently wrapped his arms around his dongsaeng and kissed his head. "Do you think we can move to the bathroom, sweetie?", Chan whispered, earning a frustrated whine from Felix. The little just didn't want to move, since he was perfectly content where he was now: In his daddy's arms in a cozy pillow fort.

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