Chapter 1

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It had been 4 weeks, 4 long weeks of trudging over hills and vales, of scrambling up rock faces and sliding down muddy hills, they had stopped at a few little villages but only staying a night or two. They were tired, well Tash and Blue were tired, the others seem to be really enjoying themselves and didn't seem to be slacking at all.

Tash, Blue, Emily, Jason and Mercy were walking through another rather muddy field with Blue and Tash clinging hold of each other for dear life. "I swear Tash I feel like I'm going to sink straight into this bog I swear..."

Tash nodded "it's like it has a life of its own..." suddenly Blue screamed and launched herself onto Tash, "OH MY GOD SOMETHING TOUCHED MY LEG RUN TASH RUUUUUUUNNNNNN"

Tash didn't need telling again, she hoisted Blue over her shoulder and ran, well she hopped over the boggy field, Blue humped and bumped over Tash's shoulder she flew past Jason and Emily who were now holding each other up as they laughed, with tears in their eyes "OMG OMG I can't breath that is hilarious......." Emily spat out.

" oh wow that's amazing you two are ABSOLUTELY AMAZING..." Jason was doubled over and leaning on Emily.

Tash ran past Mercy still with Blue humping and bumping over her shoulder, Mercy just stopped raised an eyebrow, shook her head and called after the other two behind them who were now slowly disappearing into the bog. "if you two don't want to become a permanent fixture here I suggest you stop laughing and move your feet"

Both Jason and Emily's faces shot up, a look of horror plastered all over their faces, they both jumped up and squelched their legs out of the bog and gingerly made their way towards Mercy. They looked down as they went past her nudging each other and giggling as they went.

Mercy smiled and shook her head "kids" she muttered.

Tash had finally stopped hopping and placed Blue down on the gravel path that they now were stood on. "phew that was close" Blue said as she mopped her brow.

"what the hell did you feel Blue" Tash looked wide-eyed at her friend.

"it felt like a snake... but I'm not sure, how far do you recon we need to go to get to where the fourth is?" Blue looked at her friend hopefully.

Tash looked back as Jason and Emily as they pulled themselves out of the bog and shook their legs out. "Jason how far now..."

Jason looked up and sighed "you ask this question every few miles Tash and the answer is..." he suddenly paused and looked around, he sniffed the air..

"wait I can smell something... it's familiar I've smelt it before..." Jason walked past Tash and Blue as in a trance.

Mercy walked over to the girls "I think we are here girls" all of them looked at each other.

They followed Jason as he veered off the gravel path and into the forest, they all followed as he walked through the trees moving the branches and walking through bushes, he picked up the pace and the girls were now running to try and catch up with him.

Tash huffed "God I wish he would slow down"

Blue huffed too "yes please......" as she spoke she bumped into the hardback of Jason.

"ow J what the hell.....ooowwwwww"

"Blue, be quiet we are here" Jason hushed the girls, they all looked ahead and saw the most beautiful lake in front of them, it had crystal clear water and was hugged by green lush hills with snow-capped mountains splayed in front of them beyond the lake.

"wow" they all said in unison.

Suddenly the lake started to move, just small ripples at first, then the ripples grew bigger and bigger, until they turned into waves.

The girls instinctively took a step back and stared at the spectacle in front of them, Jason however took a step forward he was drawn somehow towards the waves, he was mesmerized by them.

Tash coughed and nudged Blue, who looked at her with a raised eyebrow, Tash mouthed WHAT THE F IS WRONG WITH JASON..... and blue mouthed back I DON'T F IN KNOW...

Mercy was the first to move, she slowly put her hand on Jason's shoulder, he didn't even flinch, he was still staring at the waves, they had slightly calmed, but were still lapping up over Jasons's feet.

"Jason love I think you need to take a step back, your feet are getting wet....." Mercy softly said

Jason took a step back and then looked at Mercy "I feel something Mercy, something isn't right....I feel something is off....these waves aren't normal and I have a pain in the pit of my gut and my gut is never wrong" he gazed at the water again, it was barely moving now, he sighed.

Blue, Tash and Emily walked up to Jason and Blue hugged him from behind, "you ok chicken..." Jason gasped, he spun round "YOU PROMISED..." he hissed

Blue's grin was soooo big, she kissed Jason on his nose, he calmed down instantly and smiled back, "you are a pain in the ASS Bluebell" Jason winked at Blue as she inhaled at the sound of her middle name being spoken.

"TRUE DATT...." Both Tash and Emily said in unison.

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