Chapter 6

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Thunder cracks, lightning flashes and a red flash lights up the nights sky, Merida stands at the front of a cave, her cave the place where she had been forced to live, her prison, her curse....

Behind her stands her wolves her rogues, their rotting flesh and bright red eyes stand poised to carry out their mistresses wishes, their snapping jaws and growls echo in the dark, damp cave.

"SILENCE!!!!!!!" Merida's booming voice makes the noises stop instantly "soon my beasts, soon you will be free and can carry out my wishes"

Merida holds her hands up high outstretched, her eyes glow bright yellow, her Raven Black hair whips wildly around her body and the black rags that were once clothes, hug her small frame, in a booming voice she speaks....

"ventis aquilone in austrum, ad orientem et occidentem audire meam et clamor meus, dimittam maledicto posuit super hoc loco, dimitte me, a me carcere.." (winds of the north, south, east and west hear my cry, release the curse set upon this place, release me from my prison...)

Thunder cracks and lightning flashes, the entrance to the cave starts to glow...

"irritum impedimentum in fronte de me, ostende mihi potentiam tuam, irritum impedimentum quod tenet nobis hic...." (break the barrier in front of me, show me your power, break the barrier which holds us here....)

The winds from the north, south, east and west collide in front of the cave, the glow grows brighter and lights up the cave, Merida carries on, her eyes are glowing brighter than ever ...

"irritum impedimentum, confractus maledicto audire me......adiuva me......NUNC!!!!!!" (break the barrier, break the curse hear me......NOW!!!!!!)

With those last words there was a bright flash and a massive clap of thunder, Merida was thrown backwards as was all her rogues, when she opened her eyes there was a bright white light in front of her, a woman stood at the entrance of the cave..

"hello Selene... it's about time you showed break this curse that my sister put on me...NOW!!!!" Selene was upstanding her eyes were glowing, her fists clenched.

"well well well...Merida, you seem to forget who you are talking to, I am the moon goddess and YOU TOOK AWAY ONE OF MY BELOVED WOLVES!!!!! DO YOU REALLY THINK THAT I WAS EVER GOING TO FORGIVE YOU FOR were lucky your sister cursed you as I would have done A LOT WORSE"

"I've been stuck in this hell hole for years, no warmth, no sun....i cant even go slightly out of this cave to feel the breeze on my face....."

"YOU DESERVED killed your sisters you feel no remorse, do you feel anything at all.....ANYTHING!!!!!!!"

"nope nothing, my sister had gone soft, mates are for stinking mutts not for powerful witches like us... I did her a favor, what I didn't think would happen was that she would betray me and banish me here..." Merida didn't feel anything for her sister, no remorse nothing but anger and she wanted revenge, revenge against the wolves for the loss of her parents and for the loss of her sisters...

"oh dear are we feeling sorry for ourselves, let me guess you want revenge for the loss of your parents, you think my wolves took your parents think MY wolves took your sisters away...YOU...ARE....WRONG!!!!!" Selene's voice boomed in the cave, the rogues had retreated to the depths of the darkness and whimpered in front of the goddess.

"what are you saying Selene, my mother and father were killed by YOUR WOLVES....why would you contradict that..." Merida didn't understand what the goddess meant, wolves did kill her parents, they took both her sisters away from her.

"your mother and father were meddling with MY WOLVES...they were trying to create dark beings that shouldn't be..they were trying to create rogues, demon wolves with no souls, simply to do their dirty work, they were power hungry and they thought with them they would be unstoppable..."

"MY MOTHER AND FATHER WERE UNSTOPPABLE...THEY WERE THE MOST POWERFUL BEINGS ON THIS EARTH AND YOUR WOLVES KILLED THEM....AND FOR WHAT BECAUSE THEY TRIED TO CREATE BEINGS TO HELP THEM, TO HELP THEIR COVEN PROTECT THEMSELVES FROM YOUR WOLVES!!!!!!" Merida was shouting at the goddess, her mother and father only wanted to protect their coven from the wolves, they had been attacked so many times that they were desperate, the rogues would be their salvation, they would protect their masters, but it all went wrong, the rogues weren't complete when they were attacked, this time by more wolves than they had ever seen, they knew they wouldn't survive that's why her parents had teleported them away and told them to hide, they said they would find them as soon as it was safe, but Merida knew, she knew they were dead the moment she heard the howls of victory.

"I'm sorry ..." Merida looked up she didn't realise she was crying, something she hadn't done since her parents had died, to hear the goddess speak those words she never thought she would hear them...

"sorry for what...sorry for taking my parents away...sorry for giving my sisters mates so they would leave me...alone..."

"I'm sorry for it all Merida, your parents had to be stopped what they were doing was wrong, they were experimenting on my wolves, they were taking pups away and changing them into beasts that didn't feel or were capable of their own thoughts or making their own decisions, they were puppets they had no free will AND your sisters deserved mates, to be happy, I wish I could have given that to you Merida"

"fine I accept that but you can help me now Selene..."

"I'm afraid I can't, I cannot take a curse off a witch that was cast by a witch, if it was a wolf that had a witch's curse put upon it then yeah I could help, but I cannot get involved with witches curses..."

Merida's eyes flashed and she smiled a wicked smile "so what you are saying is that you cant help me BUT you can help that correct.."

Selene looked in horror as what she had said suddenly dawned upon her, she couldn't refuse a request from a wolf "what are you saying Merida"

Out of the darkness a man steps forward "hello Goddess, I have a request to make..."

Selene's eyes went wide her teeth gritted together she knew she had been tricked, but she had no way of getting out of this...or did she...

"hello Damon..."

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