Chapter 2

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A few days have passed and Y/N took a lot of time to not only get to know the wrestling side of Tegan, but also to prepare a few things in advance of his return. He got checked through again by a team of doctors and they said that he maybe needs another four or five weeks of rehab, but then he should be cleared to return from injury. The young man had a big smile on his face after hearing those news and his first move was to post a long and heartfelt message on his social media accounts.

 The young man had a big smile on his face after hearing those news and his first move was to post a long and heartfelt message on his social media accounts

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"Hey there, everybody. I've got an update for all of you. As fans, friends and co-workers, you're probably wondering what's even going on with me right now 😅. Well, I have good news:

In about 5 weeks, you all might see me back on TV!!!

That's right! My latest checkup revealed that I will soon be ready to return to where I belong. NXT hasn't seen anything from me yet, but I've got a lot in store.

You know my story: I was just getting started and then shot in the hip of all places. The damage itself and the surgery have kept me away from any wrestling related activities for about ten months now. I was lucky when I was doing an interview last week to give you guys and girls at least something.

Now, I wanna say that I appreciate the love and respect you're giving me throughout such a hard time in my life. Without the support, the well wishes and so on, I wouldn't have made it this far. I owe you all something for the missed time.

#Comeback #MyTime #Ready 🖐🏻😁"

After posting that, Y/N was about to put his phone away when he suddenly got a notification. It was a message from an unknown number, but to act on his gentleman instinct, Y/N opened the message and smiled as soon as he read the first sentence.

Message:" Hey there, it's Tegan. Hopefully I'm not bothering you right now. I just wanted to say thank you for bringing me my phone last week."

Y/N:" Hi there, Tegan. It's all fine, you're not bothering me. You're also welcome. Who would know what other people might have done with it?"

Tegan:" Yeah, you might be right about that. They either would've destroyed it, sold it or threw it away."

Y/N:" Yup, the unfortunate truth is that many younger people are just looking for a quick buck, no matter what. How are you doing today though by the way?"

Tegan:" Same old honestly. The knee is still giving me trouble, but thanks to my friends I'm always in good spirits. How about you?"

Y/N:" First: I really hope you get better soon too. It's still bad that you're sidelined like this. And second: I'm feeling much better."

Tegan:" That's great to hear. Care to explain?🤔"

Y/N:" Well...hehehe I might be back on TV soon! 😁"

Tegan:" WHAAAT?! Ohmygosh that's amazing, Y/N! I'm happy for you! 🤗"

Y/N:" Hehehe thank you, Tegan. It's so surreal to me actually. Just a few weeks ago, I was told I wasn't in the right condition yet, but today it's this...Argh, I could explode from happiness! 😅"

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