chapter 3: a cute moment

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i woke up and i'm not in my room. i look around and there's nobody in here. where am i. what the- AH! i'm in fred's sweater! oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh. well it smells really good. mmm. it's so huge on me, but it's really comfortable. i uh need to go get ready for class.

i walk into my dorm and i see angelina and alicia getting ready.

"well goodmorning, nice sweater erin" angie winked at me. i looked down at the huge shirt on me. it went down to my thighs.

"thanks it's a one of a kind" i giggled. i walked to my dresser and started to get changed. i grabbed my wand and muttered the hangover spell. much better. i change into my robes and head to potions for first hour. angelina and alicia had already told me of how big of a fool i made of myself last night. i was so embarrassed to even face fred. the girls practically drug me to potions. we walked in laughing and snape seen us.

"why hello ladies. how lovely to finally decide to join my class. you can all join me in detention" we all rolled our eyes and i went to sit by fred.

i silently cursed at him and this freaking dude heard me.

"that's another hour johnson" i put my head on the table and i just huffed and puffed with annoyance.

"hello lovely" fred whispered.

"hi freddie"

"so about last night-"

"oh i already know. the girls practically bullied me for it" i giggled.

we faced the front and i leaned over to him.

"you know what i said was true. veritisirum is the silent killer" i made him blush and smile a little. gosh those freckles turning pink. ahh i cant control myself around him. he's too perfect. he put his hand on mine and i felt butterflies all in my stomach. i moved closer to him and i rested my head on his shoulder while i still had the chance. he turned his head and kissed my forehead and rubbed my hand with his thumb. i wrapped my arm around his arm and i kissed his arm. i wanted this moment to last forever. he was so warm and comfy. i slowly drifted off to sleep while snape was turned away. i'd get a good little nap because snape only turns to the class if someone did something or someone came in late.

fred's pov:

i was in potions waiting for erin. i couldn't stop thinking about yesterday. she said she loved me. me, i'm a loser. i left her in one of my sweaters and i slept in the bed with her. it was already twenty after class started until i heard the door open. it was three girls laughing. it was three girls i knew all too well: my brothers new girlfriend i guess, my best friends girlfriend, and my amazing beautiful crush. snape gave them all detention and they all rolled their eyes. erin came over to me and she whispered a curse word to him.

"that's another hour johnson" she threw her head on the table so i decided to make her feel a little better.

"hello lovely"

"hi freddie"

"so about last night-" she cut me off. maybe what she said was wrong. no it can't be, she was on veritisirum. oh no.

"oh i already know. the girls practically bullied me for it" she giggled. i love the way she laughs and sometimes snorts. she's just so perfect ugh i wish i could call her mine. i'd never let her leave. she leaned over to me.

"you know what i said was true. veritisirum is the silent killer" i started blushing. she noticed my freckles turning pink. i put my hand on her hand and i felt butterflies in my stomach. gosh just touching her hand gets me all gittery. she moved next to me and put her head on my shoulder. she was worried she was going to get caught by snape. i kept her protected so she felt safe. oh my gosh is she connecting our arms. i know that may not seem like much. but it means so much to me. i love her oh my gosh. i turned and i kissed her forehead and rubbed her hand with my thumb, letting her know she was safe around me. i couldn't bare to let anyone hurt her. id die before i let this angel get touched inappropriately.

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