chapter 10: kidnapped

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erins pov:
when i woke up, i was in a room. a dark room. with only one window that wasn't even big enough for me to escape in. and a tiny piece of parchment. where am i? why was i kidnapped? what do these people want with me? i hope freddie's okay, not worried about where i'm at. i miss him so much.

"HELLO... HELLO ANYBODY" i screamed until somebody came in all black and a black mask.

"shut up! your only gonna be here temporarily" he slammed the door and walked away. i had to let fred know i was kidnapped. how was i supposed to do that?

freds pov:
the next morning came and i was ready to see my girlfriend, to see her, kiss her, love on her. i got up and put my clothes on and seen a note on my bed. from erin.

i had to go back home. mom is very sick. i'm sorry. tell the others i left. i love you.
erin <3

as i skimmed through the note i realized some stuff: first of all, this wasn't her handwriting, she doesn't call me fred, she calls me freddie or baby unless it's serious. and she most definitely doesn't leave a heart by her name. somethings up.

back to erin:
i took the tiny parchment and tried a spell that could let me write with my wand. when they kidnapped me they didn't know i had my wand with me. after about 5 minutes of trying to get the spell to work, it wouldn't. either i didn't know the spell or this place is where i can't use magic. there was only one other option: blood. this is gonna hurt.

i took my wand and performed a knife spell. here goes nothing. i took the knife and slowly drove into my hand, and bit my lip really hard to try not to scream from the excruciating pain.

"mmm frik" i got enough blood to drip on the paper to form the tiny sentence: freddie... kidnapped. help me! i took the paper and tried to think of how i was gonna get this to my freddie. think think think think.

tap tap.

"hedwig" i gasped. how did harry's owl know i was here.

i slipped my note to her. "fred weasley, the burrow. hurry"

she took off flying and before i knew it the guy came back and opened the door so i ran to my bed.

"get up now and shut up" he basically dragged me up.

"where are you taking me"

"i said shut up" he screamed at me. jeesh. someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. mr grumpy. that has a nice ring to it.

he threw me into a wall and all i seen was black. here we go again.

fred's pov again:
"are you sure that's not her handwriting fred" george asked me.

"yes" just as i said that hedwig flew in with a note.

"hedwig? HARRY" he ran down and found his owl. he took the note and gave it to fred.

freddie.. kidnapped. help me!

my heart sunk. i had tears in my eyes. a tear fell down my face.

"fred mate was is it"

"she's-she's been kidnapped" i had tears all down my face now.

they all read the note and seen my face. my perfect angel. if only she would've slept in my bed last night this wouldn't have happened. this is my fault.

"we'll find her okay fred" hermoine hugged me.

"that's not the only thing" i don't think i can handle anything else.

"what is it."

"she wrote this with her own blood"

no no no no. i have to find her. she's somewhere. i love her so much i have to find her. my sweet babygirl. i cant lose her she means so much to me.

back to erins pov:
i woke up in a huge dark room. but this time i wasn't alone. there were so many people that i don't recognize.

"welcome erin"

i looked around until i found one. familiar. face.

draco malfoy.

"where am i" i asked groggily.

it took me a second when i seen other blondes around draco. i'm at malfoy manor.

fred please help me. please have gotten my note. i miss you i need you.

A/N: haha surprise.! how'd you like that plot twist? should i make it where fred finds her? chapter 11 coming rn.

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