Chapter 4- First Day of School

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Izuku POV


"GOD SHUT THE HELL UP" I yelled slamming my hand on the alarm clock. I got up and stretched my bones before grabbing my things and getting into the shower.

After getting out of the shower I put on a white button-up shirt with a black Nike sweater on top. I put on some plain black jeans with Nike socks and Nike sneakers. To top it off I put on a few pieces of jewelry and a chain from the front of my jeans to the back and some of my piercings.

 To top it off I put on a few pieces of jewelry and a chain from the front of my jeans to the back and some of my piercings

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I grabbed my skateboard and grabbed some breakfast before leaving the house

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I grabbed my skateboard and grabbed some breakfast before leaving the house. Dad already left for work so I won't see him till later today.

As I am skating down the street I pass a few stores that look like they are worth shopping at. I add them to my mental map before stopping at school.

A tall woman with grey eyes and brown hair stands outside with a badge on. I smile and walk up to her.

"Ah good morning you must be the new student, I'm Mrs. Daniels your principal" she says

I smile "Yup that's me I'm Izuku Midoriya" I reply.

"Okay, Izuku there should be a student out here any minute to show you around. Your schedule matches with hers so stick with her for the day" She says.

I smile and nod. We have a short conversation before a girl with short blonde hair with some blue strands and blue eyes walks out.

"Nice to meet you I'm Emma Scott. I'll be showing you around." She says.

I smile "I'm Izuku Midoriya nice to meet you" I reply.

She smiled and started walking off me following behind.


After a short tour, we go to our lockers. I put the locker code in and put my backpack and skateboard inside.

We walk to class together but before we walk in she stops me.

"Hey Izuku do you have Instagram?" she asked

I smiled "Yes I do what about you?" I reply.

She smiled and took her phone out showing me her Instagram.


I quickly type it in and follow her. After a few seconds she follows me back "Ok let's go now" she says.

I smile and nod in return. We both walk inside and she walks over to a few other students. I stand next to the teacher podium.

"Ok class This is our new student, will you please introduce yourself?" he asks

I nod and smile "Heya I'm Izuku Midoriya I come from Japan UA's hero course." I say with a small smile.

Everybody looks at me wide-eyed.

"Alright Izuku can you go sit next to Jakob for me, Jakob, raise your hand." Mr. Scyler says.

A boy with curly red hair and red eyes raises his hand. I walk over and sit at the seat next to him putting my materials on the desk next to me.

It's lunch now. The classes are pretty easy probably because I was always ahead of my class with smarts.

I walk over to a tree and sit under it while putting my headphones in. Just as I'm about to eat my food a shadow goes over me. I look up and see Emma standing in front of me.

I take my earbuds out and wait for her to speak.

"No way in hell are you sitting alone you're going to sit with my friends and me"

She pulled me up by my wrist and dragged me to a table with 4 other people, one of them I recognize as Jakob. She sits me down and then sits down next to a girl with white-ish blonde hair and red eyes.

I smile at them and give a slight wave before introducing myself. "Hi, I'm Izuku call me any nickname you like I don't mind," I say.

Everyone at the table introduces themselves.

"Hi, I'm Alyssa Conners call me Aly" The girl that Emma sat next to said.

"The names Alexa Smith, call me Alex," A girl with black hair and grey eyes said.

"The name is Nate Smith yea I'm Alex's brother," a boy with black hair and golden eyes said.

"Hey you met me earlier I'm Jakob Anders," Jakob said.

"We have one more boy coming soon he got stuck in class," Emma said.

I smiled and nodded before taking my phone out.

"Oooohh do you have Insta," Aly asked.

I nodded and handed her my phone, "The password is ShotosHoe" I said with a bit of a scowl remembering my password.

"Oooh whos 'Shoto'," I hear a voice say behind me.

I turn around and am met with the same Blue eyes and grey-ish curly hair I saw a few days ago.

I blushed a little before replying "My ex, he cheated with a gold digger slut" I replied with a little scowl.

He frowns before coming closer and holding his hand out

"The name Kai Scott," he says.

I smile and grab his hand before pulling him close to me and grabbing his face.

"Izuku, Izuku Midoriya pretty boy~" I replied.

He visibly blushes before smirking and pulling me closer.

"Well then Zuki nice to meet you~" he replied.

Word Count: 855

Author Note: Hope you enjoyed this chapter. The next chapter will be the OCS pictures, quirks, and information about them.

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