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The cold air hit me forcing me to wake up, I can feel my forehead sore as I try to reach and touch it, except the facts that my hands are bounded behind my back looking around I'm surrounded by many other people tied in the same position as me man...

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The cold air hit me forcing me to wake up, I can feel my forehead sore as I try to reach
and touch it, except the facts that my hands are bounded behind my back looking around I'm surrounded by many other people tied in the same position as me many men and woman. "Welcome all D-class personnel! My name is Dr. Bright and you will be lead into a questioning room and your question will be answered there." After he finishes people with guns come flooding in fast putting there guns in are faces. And ushering us into different doors, a loud click opens as we all walk into a room with two tables. The guards sit me down into the chair as I wait for the person that I ask question to. I frown biting my lips I dart my eyes down into my lap trying to handle the situation the best i can do for my ability of whatever is happening right now. A door creeks open my gaze shifting towards the door.

"Hello D-class personnel, Max Maxwell age 19?" A man with a amulet walks in his brown colored hair bouncing as he sits down in the chair opposite side of me, "you are in for 3 murders correct?" I shake my head no as I feel ashamed as if I actually murder my own friends, my wrist are starting to feel sore from the 20 minute wait for this man. "I see, you denied it, I don't care, my name is dr.Bright and your here to ask questions" his unfazed gaze leans into my faltering gaze biting the inside of my lip. "Are we gonna die?" I ask finally starting to speak up my voice weak with every vowel."you will be let off, if you work 30 days, and sent back outside if that's what your implying" I flinch at the answer, I was put on death row so no way am I gonna be let off, I mean I didn't even kill anyone yet I'm still being put here. "You can tell me truthfully, I know that no deathrow inmates are allowed outside into humanity" my gaze unmoving just as him as I think I hit the nail on the head as he lets out a sigh

"You are right I did lie, you are gonna die at the end of this month" I nod my head slowly accepting the fact that I will die at the end of this month, and there is nothing I can do to stop it. "Your time is up" the intercoms in the room speaks up as I only got two question through and that is enough for me as I can feel tears well up inside as I feel the chains on my hands and legs being pulled as I'm dragged away from the man.

(Dr. brights POV)

I stare at the young lady her gaze shifting back and fourth between me and her legs her short hair falling over her face, after a few minutes of waiting to get a question her weak voice finally speaks up. "Are we gonna die?" Her gaze landing on mine, her eyes showing fear, and concern. "you will be let off, if you work 30 days, and sent back outside if that's what your implying" I answer back her gaze quickly shifting back down to her legs as she hunches over slightly, she looks uncomfortable, after a few more minutes of few she answer back with a weird question. "You can tell me truthfully, I know that no deathrow inmates are allowed outside into humanity" I flinch back in shock as she isn't as mean as she seems. Her eyes darting somewhere else than mine.

"Cute-" wait no this is a d-class there just assets for testing I have no feeling for this murder and she could be fooling me with her meak state, who knows what behind that face. Sighing I answer her question "You are right I did lie, you are gonna die at the end of this month" her eyes flood with acceptance as she hangs her head even more low than before"Your time is up" the intercoms ring as the guard comes in and drags her away. Sighing I simply can't get her out of my head, we only just met but what is she doing to me, covering my mouth, I can feel my self heating up, as my mind races like crazy

(Back to Max's POV)

The sweet scent of my own cell welcomes me as my shoved into the cell and my handcuffs are taken off releasing my hands from its tight grasp, I check my wrist seeing the pink lines going across my skin as I sigh"that's definitely gonna leave a bruise" checking around my cell I see everything you would see in a prison a stall and a sink accompanied it I flick my eyes towards the small singular bed plopping myself onto it even though it feels like concrete I tuck myself in in hopes of wishing all of this was just a bitter nightmare, waking up in the morning to hear a loud ringing sound as a bunch of shouting commences that we should all get up for breakfast. "Hey here's your food, d-class" a rough voice calls out as we are handed the normal primate food. The small food door shutting. Taking a bite of of the untasty food satisfies my stomach until lunch, if we even get one. Taking a whiff of the small milk cartoon I notice a few primates getting there cell doors open as there dragged away somewhere else. Two guards open up the gate and put the handcuffs back on me.

We walk for a bit, heading down a long corridor we get to a door and a few other Nantes are waiting there as there a small paper like file hanging on the wall. Going up to it my eyes scan over the paper 

I whisper to myself that I was the the ultimate blinker and that I could do this as the other primates where shaking with fear and throwing out curses

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I whisper to myself that I was the the ultimate blinker and that I could do this as the other primates where shaking with fear and throwing out curses. We all get pushed in as there's another door blocking the entrance into what ever it's being held in. I silently stand there in the room staring at the tall thing in the corner not moving one bit but the other inmates shuffle around. I calmly look at the peanut being feeling my eyelids start to feel heavy and my eyeballs burn, the other inmates beside are very close to shutting there eyes cursing the peanut looking creature I can feel my eyelids giving up as I blink only to find both of the primates dead beside me as I stand Stil, greatly frighten, there necks are bent the wrong way as I look forwards to see the peanut being staring me down, I slowly move back up against the wall, sliding to the big door keeping my eyes on the creature, I can feel my eyelids giving up again my mind screaming to rn as I slam my body against the corner, I couldn't hold it in long enough as my eyes close shutting my eyes fully accepting that I get to die early.

But... it still feels like I'm on the ground, as I slowly open my eyes as I try to shuffle but feel something touching my breast. I looks down to feel my self being push up against the wall as his head sits on my chest pushing it up. "Um..." I whisper slightly embarrassed as my face reddened slightly on how we are positioned, even if this peanut thing is a monster there no reason that I should be alive, and positioned like this. I put my hand on his arms, as I feel like a rabbit in a corner as a predator is keeping me in there. "D-class personnel please head back to the door" I dive down dragging my chest along with me keeping my gaze on the peanut as I walk through the door watching him as it shuts. Sighing I shut my eyes and rub them waiting for the second door to open.

I walk through the second door and get hand cuffed again and dragged back to my self, getting shoved in I can still feel my red face as I touch my chest, my face is pretty red like a tomato, turning my back from the door practically fondling myself I retract my hand realizing what I doing and internally scream to my self as I explode, I just saw two people die! And I'm fondling myself what am I doing with my life! I sigh laying down on my bed as I cry inside and sleep until the next day.

Short chap- I do mondays, through Thursday is when I post I'm only doing this today since this is the first Scp book I made :D

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