Chapter Five

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Hanbin gets up as he heard the doorbell rang.It's been weeks since he saw Lee hi from the hospital but the painful words are still fresh to Hanbin. And it kills him whenever he remember what Lee hi said to him.

As Hanbin opens the door he saw a mail man waiting for him.

" is this Mr.Kim Hanbin's house?" The mail man asked

"Ne.I'm Kim Hanbin" Hanbin simply answered

"there's a package for you"

Hanbin wondered where the unknown package came from as he get his hands on it. He put it on the table and as he examined the box he saw a letter on it he top of it

"To: Mr. Kim Hanbin
From: Song Home Shopping Center "

Hanbin hesitates to open the box but then he wondered what's inside of it so he decided to opened it. As he opened the box, He found a two box of expensive perfume and expensive looking watch inside. Hanbin was surprised on what he just received. He wondered why would a Shopping Center give this kinds of expensive things to him, he didn't even remember joining a raffle draw. He found a letter inside and read it.

" Thank you for what you did for Yuna. Please accept this compensation for saving her life. I hope you like them."

When Hanbin finished reading the letter he realized that the package is from Lee hi. He put the things back in the box and took it with him as he goes out.


As Yuna walks through the lobby Jinhwan runs towards her.

"Ms. Song" Jinhwan called to her

Yuna turns around and found Jinhwan catching his breath as he finally reached Yuna.

"Mr.Kim, why are you running? Did something happened?" Yuna worriedly asked

"ani. I just wanted to asked you if you're going to have your lunch now" Jinhwan asked

"Ne oppa. You want to eat with me? "

Yuna covers her mouth when she realized she called Jinhwan as her oppa and didn't address him as Mr. Kim even though they're still in the building.

"omo mian Mr. Kim" She humbly bowed in front of Jinhwan

"you don't have to do that Yuna-ssi" Jinhwan said to Eunna

"Omo! Mian Ms. Song" Jinhwan imitates Yuna

The two both laughed at each other on what Jinhwan did.

"now we're even" Jinhwan said to Yuna

"ne" Yuna smiled at him

"shall we? I think I'm getting hungry" Jinhwan stated

As the two walked together Yuna didn't noticed thats she's about to bump onto the security guard who carries a box.

"Omo main" Yuna apologies as she help the guard to pick the box

Suddenly Yuna saw a very familiar name written to one of the boxes.

"Kim Hanbin"

"Excuse me, I just wanted to ask if where are you going to take that box?" Yuna asked to the guard as she hands him the box

"Oh, a man came here and said that he wanted to return this package to miss Lee hi"

"A man?" Yuna wondered

"And why would Lee hi sent a package to this man?" Jinhwan asked

"Maybe because she wanted to thank him for saving my life" Yuna muttered

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