Chapter Seven

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As Yuna walks out of the house she saw Bobby standing in front of the house while leaning to a silver car.

" Good morning Yuna" Bobby greets

"Uhm.... Good morning Jiwon. What are you doing here? If you're looking for Lee hi unnie she already left. She have an early meeting today with the investors I believe"

Bobby gives a smirk to Yuna and walks towards her.

"I'm not waiting for Lee hi nonna. I am waiting for you"

Yuna suddenly looked confused and at the same time shy of what did Bobby said.

"Do you need something from me? You should've have text or call me instead. "

" ah it's not that. I-I just wondered if I can give you a ride to the office, since I'm also going there today"

"Oh.... is that so? Uhm.. thank you for the offer but I think I can take a taxi....."

"Please? Just this time. I-I can't leave you behind. Besides it would be nice if you can teach me something about the company since I'll start working there today"

" jinja?... c-congratulations.I'm happy for you Jiwon."

"Really? That's good to hear. So shall we go now? You don't want to be late right? " Bobby said as he opened the door of the car offering Yuna the front sit

Yuna don't want to argue with Bobby anymore so she decided to ride inside the car and let Bobby drive her to the office. Bobby happily started the engine of the car and drive their way to the office.

As they travel to office the silence starts to invade inside the car. As Bobby drives the car he can't help but to peek at Yuna. He takes a peek at the young lady every two minutes. Trying to spark up a conversation. But Yuna is busy reading some papers, she can't even notice Bobby was already talking to her.

"Uhm... Yuna are you listening?" Bobby suddenly asked

"Oh. I'm sorry. What is it?" Yuna turns to Bobby at the same time continues to read some papers

"I heard The president wants to appoint you to be a director" Bobby says as he pay attention to the road

Yuna paused as she heard what Bobby said. She suddenly remember the incident last time. The time when his father, the president got angry to Mino because Mino opposed to what his father said about her promotion.

" I don't think I can do it" Yuna says with a droppy tone

"Why not? " Bobby wondered

"Because... my brother thinks I can't do it. And also I'm still not capable enough for the position" Yuna answers

"That's not true" Jiwon suddenly spoke

"Then what makes you think I can do it?" Yuna asked

"You're the most hardworking person I know. You're a kind and loving daughter. You always give your best to the things you always wanted to reach. You're not the kind person who gives up easily just because you fail at first. " Jiwon answered with a smile on his face

Yuna was surprised on what Jiwon said and didn't even manage to talk back.

" Are you trying to think how to get off from this car now?" Jiwon suddenly said

Yuna turns her head and tries to hold back her laugh.

"No, I'm not planning to" Yuna respond

As they arrived the two of them simply walk their way in the company. They were about to meet the President, Yuna's father as they walk through the lobby. Yuna and Bobby politely bow their head to the president as they greeted him.

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