(🍋)Peace with Each other (Fem! Optimus x Megatron, Scourge and Ultra Magnus)

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TF: RID (2001): Megatron, Scourge, Ultra Magnus and Fem!Optimus prime.

In the blooming brightness of daylight, there is an island. On that island, a robot sit on a station as she was recharging herself. She was none other than Optimus Prime, leader of the autobots. She is the holder of the Matrix of Leadership, granted to those of great courage and their minds uncorrupted. However, this meant that she is the enemy of the Predacons, Decepticons and even her own Brother, Ultra Magnus. She have to carry the burden of becoming leader of the autobots, while also protecting them. The autobots, in her eyes, are like children to Optimus.

Right now, she rested on her station, after some activities around the base. She feel calm, collected and relaxed. It felt like nothing bad would happen to her. That was until Magnus showed up. However, unlike the last encounter, Magnus approached the resting Optimus without any words or facial expression.

Optimus: Magnus, if you're here to fight, can you not do it now?

Magnus: I'm not here to fight.

Optimus: Last time, I remembered you said that, and then you tried to drain my power.

Magnus: This isn't like last time, Prime! It's different.

Optimus: But, why did you come here, Brother?

Without a single word, Magnus effortlessly lifts Optimus of her charging station and flew with the autobot leader to an isolated cave.

"What are we doing here, Magnus", Optimus asked, in which her brother didn't respond. Instead, Magnus dragged Optimus further into the cave, where the light never shines. It was a long walk, which have nearly drained Optimus of energy, they have arrived to a glowing lake inside the cave. The lake illuminated a blue glow, with colors swirling around and in the blue water, all the reason that is beautiful.

"Magnus, why do you want me here", Optimus asked him, to which Magnus responded by slowly putting Optimus into the blue water. Immediately after that, Optimus felt energy surge through her body, re-energizing her in the process. The water was very warm, smooth and a bit too perfect for an occasion such as where they are. "Is this some sort of a gift?"

"Maybe", Magnus replied, "It's just that, I've been focusing on the Matrix for so long, that I forget that you are beautiful". Magnus then continued, "Maybe because of my personality, is the reason why they chose you to be leader".

"Magnus", Optimus intervene, "We are both in the same. We may have different properties to one another, yet together we manage to fight of enemies far greater than the weaknesses we have". Just after saying her sentences, Optimus decided to move a bit closer to Magnus, almost as if she is drawn to her own Brother. Magnus did the same, only this time he removed Optimus's face plate to reveal her lips.

They got closer and closer to each other's faces. Magnus can't help, but feel aroused whenever they are this close. It took a second for their lips to touch one another. Then their tongues reaching in to touch each other's mouths and saliva. It was pleasuring for both of them, Brother and Sister, yet they found love for each other - a bit too much love.

After separating from each other, Optimus realises what he have done. She began to panic, she have never kissed anyone like what they did, especially her own Brother. However, Magnus manages to clam Optimus down and began to stroke her more sensitive parts.

Placing his hand under Optimus's pelvis, Magnus heard his sister trying to hold back a moan. With a lustful glee, Magnus quicken his pace, doing his best to make Optimus moan louder until her will can't hold on any longer. That is until she finally brakes.

Magnus: Mmm~. Feels good, right Sister~?

Optimus: Y-yeah. *Moan*

Magnus: Don't worry, there will be more to play than just me and you~.

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